Every night Connie fights sleep. As soon as she starts rubbing her eyes I take her up to the cot which is normally about 6.30pm and then she'll lay there with her eyes shut shouting (not proper crying) rubbing her face and thrashing her arms around for about 15 minutes until she eventually passes out then she'll sleep all night. I've tried having her downstairs until she falls asleep but she does the same thrashing thing and the telly distracts her so she's best put down in her cot. She's like this with her daytime naps also. She's tired but she just won't give in without a fight. I can see stressful bedtimes for years to come . Any tips on how to get her to "drift off" nice and peacefully or shall I just accept this is the way she'll be? She's been like this every night since birth so I'm used to it now and let her get on with it while I keep an eye on her from a distance but just wondered if I could make bedtimes any easier on all of us.