Night time woes


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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Night times are peeing me off in this household.

Don't get me wrong, I love having my evenings back with hubby after we put her to bed at 7pm but the sleeping when we go to bed just isnt working.

As per the routine, we feed tilly between 10-11pm and put her back to bed. Last night she wouldn't go down until about 12, this is not usual though tbh. She normally goes right back down.

She slept after 12pm until 2.50am then started fighting with the sheets and thrashing arms and legs.

I reswaddle and she sleeps for 5-10 mins and wakes again, this went on until 4am where I got sick and fed her for 10 mins and put her back down. She then slept until 5.15am and the thrashing about started again.

Its a bit bizarre because when you look at her she appears to be asleep or at least her eyes are closed. Shes kinda grunting and half crying.

She does this most nights, some nights worse than others. What I find really frustrating is that she sleeps really peacefully from 7pm without stirring at all.

Any advice? I think it could be to do with the swaddling somehow but its tough to get her relaxed enough to drop off without it.

I had thought it was related to feeding but it can't be that because she does it whether we feed or not. How do I get her to sleep uninterrupted?
Not sure on the swaddling I'm afraid as I've never done it with E. Is it worth trying a sleeping bag instead? Sounds like it can't get worse so nothing to lose. Could you get hold of the consultant to ask him? xxx
Does she take a dummy?? When cam stirs like that I just pop his tummy in.
Or try just stroking her head and face to re-assure her?
Can u try stopping with the swaddle now she's a little older?? X
Not sure on the swaddling I'm afraid as I've never done it with E. Is it worth trying a sleeping bag instead? Sounds like it can't get worse so nothing to lose. Could you get hold of the consultant to ask him? xxx

I asked the consultant about her sleeping and he told me to use the sedative :shock::oooo: I used that last night because she was quite bad but it didn't work.
Ffs what the hell are they on about?? I know they used it for her in hospital but seriously they can't expect you to drug her to sleep! :(
Does she take a dummy?? When cam stirs like that I just pop his tummy in.
Or try just stroking her head and face to re-assure her?
Can u try stopping with the swaddle now she's a little older?? X

She does have a dummy and that works for a little while and then it ends up out her mouth again and she wakes up.

I asked hubby to not swaddle her tonight when he put her to bed but she was crying so he didn't bother.
I was going to suggest a dummy too just to get her resettled. Will done this and it is very annoying but I found when I gave a dummy he would go straight back off again x
Ffs what the hell are they on about?? I know they used it for her in hospital but seriously they can't expect you to drug her to sleep! :(

I know, he told me it was a drug to make babies relaxed, though they called it a sedative on the ward.

He did say it shouldn't be used frequently but if I felt it necessary if her sleep was suffering I could give her some.
I'm glad you have posted this actually, Ella is going through the same sort of thing.

She normally sleeps so well but for the last 10 days she has decided that sleep isn't fun anymore!!

She goes down at 8pm and I don't hear a peep out of her until I go to bed which is making me think I am maybe disturbing her and causing her to be unsettled? I'm tempted to put her in her own room to see if that helps coz like Tilly she still has her eyes closed but is moaning and groaning so she must still be tired!
How big is your dummy and what type is it??

I gave Sophie a bigger dummy as she struggled to keep the small ones in her mouth and it really helped. She has the silk latex mam ones.
How big is your dummy and what type is it??

I gave Sophie a bigger dummy as she struggled to keep the small ones in her mouth and it really helped. She has the silk latex mam ones.

I Agree, Ella keeps these in a lot better - they also do glow in the dark ones which are great especially if she likes to throw the dummy out of the cot in the middle of the night, makes it much easier to locate lol!
Is she in her cot or Moses basket?

Lexi did exactly the same thing with the thrashing about and grunting but looked like she was still asleep, this was when she in her moses basket and so I moved her to her cot because I thought it might be because she needed a bit more space. She has gone at least 6 hours a night ever since!

Hmmm that's tricky isn't it. ? God Hun your having a time of it :hugs: I cant believe they are still going down the sedative route but I suppose if she is too exhausted you must need something to help . I always found swaddling helped with my two but it sounds like its aggravating her , could you loosen it when she is asleep ?
Its the reflux doing it hun. It doesn't matter when LO got a feed, or how long ago it was, they still wriggle & kinda cry in their sleep. Its not very nice to hear is it It means your LO still has a wee bit of reflux (ie the meds aren't working fully, even tho they may be during the day) My LO stopped it as soon as we got put on the right meds, its wierd now to hear silence coz we had it all night every night for months.

I take it LO's cot is raised? LO isn't wearing clothes with waistbands? Or spending too much time in rocker/seat? Just trying to think of things that cld have made reflux worse, mind u normal things like getting the cold or teething can make it worse too

I don't have any advice hun sorry but hope you get a solution soon :hug: xxxxxxxxx
Is she in her cot or Moses basket?

Lexi did exactly the same thing with the thrashing about and grunting but looked like she was still asleep, this was when she in her moses basket and so I moved her to her cot because I thought it might be because she needed a bit more space. She has gone at least 6 hours a night ever since!


She's in a crib so has a fair bit of space so I'm not sure it's that. Will be putting her in her cot in the nursery soon anyway I think
Its the reflux doing it hun. It doesn't matter when LO got a feed, or how long ago it was, they still wriggle & kinda cry in their sleep. Its not very nice to hear is it It means your LO still has a wee bit of reflux (ie the meds aren't working fully, even tho they may be during the day) My LO stopped it as soon as we got put on the right meds, its wierd now to hear silence coz we had it all night every night for months.

I take it LO's cot is raised? LO isn't wearing clothes with waistbands? Or spending too much time in rocker/seat? Just trying to think of things that cld have made reflux worse, mind u normal things like getting the cold or teething can make it worse too


Oh god no. I'm at the end of the road with that then. I have no idea how I'm supposed to get different meds for her.

She did it again bad last night. :wall: if it goes on like this much longer I don't know how I'm gonna cope. I'm wrecked
Does she snore/grunt in her sleep hun? Sometimes Albert sounds like he's almost drowning lol. I was thinking of trying a vaporiser for him xxxxxxxx
Does she snore/grunt in her sleep hun? Sometimes Albert sounds like he's almost drowning lol. I was thinking of trying a vaporiser for him xxxxxxxx

She's just really unsettled bb.

I get grunting/squirming about yes.

I can't deal with this long term, I'm burning out
Is her cot raised slightly??
Goodness reflux is really awful for her, I feel lucky that gaviscon helps cam's a lot. What about massaging her belly before bed? Do you bath her before bed as well?
Can you try cooled fennel tea? Or drink fennel tea yourself so it comes through in your breast milk?
Gripe water stopped cam grunting at night but I'm sure you're reluctant to give this when she's been on so much medication already x

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