Night time help!


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2005
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Aaron sleeps well but the only problem is he wakes up at 12am every night and gets into bed with us. I know it's my fault because I let him but how do I break the habit? He doesn't wake up for anything else because as soon as his head is on my pillow he's asleep again. I've tried sitting with him and letting him cry a bit but he will just sit and play with his toys for hours. I don't mind him being in with us but my hubby finds it hard to sleep cos Aaron kicks out and tends to try and lay over your head :lol: Any ideas girls?
only idea i have hun is controlled crying, this is what sophie was doing she we did controlled crying it took 3 nights but we got there hun :hug:
Yup, you have to just pick him up and take him back to bed, don't say a word just keep putting him back until he gets the idea. You have to be prepared for a few sleepness nights to get there but believe me when you crack it you will be over the moon and probably find you wake at 12 for a few nights wondering if he's ok :rotfl:

I had to physically hold my cousin down and stop her from going into her son when he was screaming. but after 2 days he got the idea and she says now he had regular sleep patterns it has completely changed all their lives for the better. there really is nothing worse than lack of sleep.

Good luck hun hope you get it sorted x
Thanks for the replies girls looks like I am just going to have to leave him and see how we go. Obviously I won't let it go out of control but he can't sleep with us forever! It starts tonight :lol:
hun it will be hard but really worth it in the end, dont leave him to cry for more than 10 mins hope u get on alright, let us know GOOD LUCK :hug: :hug:

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