night time


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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Noa always sleep on his right side- thumb in his mouth. but last 2 nights he started to roll around in his sleep n when he gets on his tummy he wakes up, gets angry, shuffle him self up the cot and then lay there with his head up lookin around until he starts to scream. :wall2:
he dont get much sleep n nor do we.

what should i do?
try to make him sleep on his tummy nap times so he gets used to it?
lay him at the top of the cot so he cant wake him self up by shuffeling? (will he hurt his head when trying?)
shall i just leave him to figure it out himself how to get comfy again?

is worst in the evenning n early morning.
Freddie is doing this 4-5 times a night at the mo.

You could try putting a rolled up blanket or something either side of him to stop him rolling over?? Or put one at the top of the cot so he doesn't bump his head when he shuffles.

UNfortunately Freddie hated the blankets restricting him even more so we're stuck at the mo until he learns to roll back over. I've started (today lol) putting him on his tummy every time I put him on the floor so he has to roll back over - wierdly he's quite happy doing it in the day, I guess he's too sleepy at night to do it.

Good luck!!
I went to a baby group a few weeks ago and they put their babies in sleep bags too big for them and tuck the end of the bag in to the end of the cot. Stops them rolling too.

I'm quite lucky Isla stays still all night, for the moment that is I'm sure as she gets older that will change x
i might do that tonight. i dont like restricting him but in the end he need his sleep xx
i might do that tonight. i dont like restricting him but in the end he need his sleep xx

I feel the same way but they don't realise they need sleep! Isla is a grumpy thing all day if she gets less than 10 hours sleep (not in one go unfortunately) xxx
I was gonna say the same as bobkat! Lace used to roll about so I put rolled up blankets down the sides of the cot. Charley's not rolling in his sleep yet but he does move round so he bangs his head so I've had to put his cot bumper down the side of the cot!
oooh the sleepbag tucking in is a new idea, I've got a 6-18 month one coming from ebay in next couple of days so I might try it....
oooh the sleepbag tucking in is a new idea, I've got a 6-18 month one coming from ebay in next couple of days so I might try it....

I'd never heard it either, but a few of the mums swear by it
Seb is a massive mover in his sleep but he can roll front to back and back to front so so far he hasn't woken himself up (fingers crossed) x the sleeping bag idea sounds fab!
I must be lucky, every morning Cahal is in the exact same position I laid him down in at night, he likes his sleep lol!
Drake used to sleep on his side in his Moses basket but when we moved him to his cot he always ended up on his back and would wake up! In the end I just put him to sleep on his back...took a week and he goes down lovely on his back now and sleeps for longer.
How did it go last night evelina??

I re-tried the blanket thing - I rolled up two sets of blankets and put them down each side of the cot, not right up to the bars and then put the fitted sheet over them - I don't know why I didn't do that before, I tried wedging the blanket behind Freddie's back and he just ended up pulling it everywhere which was a bit stupid. Anyway...... it worked!!! Freddie slept from 9-6.30, he woke up and grizzled a few times but because he couldn't get on his belly we were OK, he went back to sleep on his own. I guess with the blankets each side it felt like being held. Plus if he tried to roll he only ended up half on his belly and could roll back easily.

Not sure if we've cracked it yet so we'll see how tonight goes. Hope NOa was better for you. x
it worked well until his first feed. then he was asleep when i put him back in the cot n when i went to tuck the bag in at the bottom he woke up really angry! anyway he fell asleep n then woke up as he couldnt roll over n he keept trying so i was just gonna ease a little at the bottom so he couldd roll to his side, pulled the whole thing up n noa was on his tummy screaming!
next feed i didnt dare to tuck it in as he was sleepin. bad idea as he was straight away on his tummy n all i could hear was little pigs noises n saw a bum up in the air n of he went shuffeling him self around!
it was a rough night!

tonight i try the blankets
Hope tonight goes better, I'm hoping last night wasn't a one off. I guess they're just getting used to what their bodies can do and hopefully it won't last very long. PLEASE!!!!!!

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