Noa always sleep on his right side- thumb in his mouth. but last 2 nights he started to roll around in his sleep n when he gets on his tummy he wakes up, gets angry, shuffle him self up the cot and then lay there with his head up lookin around until he starts to scream. 
he dont get much sleep n nor do we.
what should i do?
try to make him sleep on his tummy nap times so he gets used to it?
lay him at the top of the cot so he cant wake him self up by shuffeling? (will he hurt his head when trying?)
shall i just leave him to figure it out himself how to get comfy again?
is worst in the evenning n early morning.

he dont get much sleep n nor do we.
what should i do?
try to make him sleep on his tummy nap times so he gets used to it?
lay him at the top of the cot so he cant wake him self up by shuffeling? (will he hurt his head when trying?)
shall i just leave him to figure it out himself how to get comfy again?
is worst in the evenning n early morning.