Night feeds


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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Is it normal for LO to still need feeding in the night after 6 months???

Ethan usually feeds once in the nigjt between 2-4am and i thoughr this was normal til I had a look in thatnhs birth to five book we were given when he was born. It says that after 6 months night feeda should b no longer necessary!!! Ethan sleeps 11-12 hours at night and can self settle most of the time so im pretty sure he only wakes out of hunger! He usually bf's for 10-20 mins so I know he is feeding!

What do u think? X
All babies are different so maybe he does need it?

Do you think he could be waking out of habit?

Have you tried giving him water to test whether he's really hungry?

I think most babies are sleeping through at that age
Could try water I guess? Technically he does 'sleep thru' as he does more than a 5 hour stretch. I don't think its habit coz the time he wakes does vary .....although maybe it is? Really don't know!
He won't take a dummy- never has done!
I don't mind feeding him, I'm so used to it now, just didn't know if it was normal to still b needing food in the night?
Guess I'll ask at weigh in clinic nxt week.
Thanks for replies tho ladies xx
id say it might not be that he 'needs' it but that he wants it, not just comfort sucking but a full tummy is comforting too. im sure not every child sleeps thru by 6 months and if he hasnt yet then he probably will in his own time, maybe he likes that bf closeness in the night...
Yeh, that's possible. I'm hoping that when he takes 3 good meals a day and his milk he might stop. He goes to bed early 6-6.30 and has gone thru til 4.30 before waking before (and would normally get up between 5 and 6 anyway) so he is showing signs he can almost do it! X
Well Kynon still wakes for food 3 times a night!
My first baby was FF and still woke in the night quite often til he was nearly a year
Good to know its not just Ethan then!! I was thinking we r v lucky he only wakes once, then I read about night feeds not being necessary after 6 months and got confused coz I think its normal!
Last night he woke at 2 and I managed to settle him to sleep again without feeding, he woke again 10mins later, OH tried to settle him but after a while he got upset again. I fed him and he guzzled away for 15 mins or so and when I put him back in his cot went straight back to sleep until 6.30!
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Grace still wakes in the night for food and she's 7 months. Occasionally she'll go through the night but not very often
My lo didn't drop his night feed until he was past 7 months. And he never reduced the amount he was drinking slowly, he just completely cut it out 1 day.
That's wouldn't seem that uncommon for night feeds after 6months then! Think I need to stop reading books coz it just confuses me!!
Hey chick,
My Lo was still having a night feed past six months. I just went with it and he has always self settled after. Its a bit of a pain, but it does eventually stop xxxxx
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That's wouldn't seem that uncommon for night feeds after 6months then! Think I need to stop reading books coz it just confuses me!!

I'm sure your only reading as a concerned mummy so i wouldn't worry. I read too much too sometimes! unfortunately books are usually based on a "textbook" baby however not all babies are like this.

Savannah still wakes sometimes at 9 months. She slept through from about 3 weeks old from 10 until 7 or 8 and when she turned 6 months she just decided that she didn't need to sleep anymore! Shes a bit better now but sometimes still wakes for a feed.

If its not causing either of you any problems, and it helps him settle back down for the night i would say just continue until he doesnt need it anymore. Sometimes babies know themselves and what they need better than we do!
Angel has slept through from quite early on but she'll go through a random phase where she'll wake up every night in the week for a feed then stop and then start again :S xx
I'm happy to go with it for now. When we went to weigh in clinic I asked and they said not to worry, it is normal and that he will prob stop on his own. And was told, like u say, its only a problem if its an issue for me. X
I used to find that because Grace goes to bed early (6pm) she would wake around 4am hungry so we started to do a dream feed at around 10:30pm and this helps to see her through the full 12 hrs! It's great too as it means we get a full night sleep and don't get woken up in the middle of the night. Might be worth a try? x x
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Hey Bella! Yes, I tried this the other night about 11ish and he went til 4.30. I may try it again when/if we get over this bad spell we are having (just posted in b & t) coz at the mo I dunno if anything I do is gonna make much dif!!

Hope u and Grace are doing well xx
Yes worth a shot when he's back to feeling himself. Grace is good thanks although into absolutely everything! She pulled all the magazines out from under the coffee table yesterday and proceeded to eat the latest copy of HEAT :roll: Have just posted on your other thread x x

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