Making feeds in advance

My sil s gp told her to try anything to seenif it helps and if it doesn't work just revert back, :) xx
I always pour water in the bottles in morning and add milk as and when but reading the box today it says you have to add the milk to boiling water as its the only way to kill all bacteria in the milk powder........d is 3 months now and granted I've not had any problens putting milk in cold water I'm now a bit sceptical......

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It's all so confusing cos the tommee tippee set I got comes with mik dispensers to add the powder to the water when your about to feed. X
The dispencers are for if u go out as you are "ment" to boil n wait for kettle to cool n ad powder after.....but when out u don't wa t to b carrying around the huge milk box so u measure out enough for 1 feed per dispenser

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Hope that made sense

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I always pre make bottles :D Shauns fine, never had a problem with it!

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