how long between feeds??


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2008
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im BF'ing and Niamhs 8weeks on monday and still going 3-4hourly between feeds and i was just wondering when she should start to go longer inbetween feeds/ miss out a feed at night.

not trying to stop her feeding so often btw just curious :D
3-4 hours! lucky you!
I was lucky to get 2.5 - 3 hours most of the time ;)

I'm not sure if your LO will go longer - the time between feeds might drop when they reach a growth spurt around 4 months
3-4 hourly is really good for breastfeeding at 8 weeks :lol: Galen was only going 90 minutes to 2 hours if I was lucky. Till 14 weeks plus :shock:

he started sleeping 8 hours a night without a feed from about then also. WOuld go from 8pm-4am ish and then over about 3 weeks slowly started going longer and can now sleep from 7-7 but will sometimes stir around 6am and need a feed then.

Growth spurt around 4 months might see her wanting more feeds.

Around 12-14 weeks is when BF babies can generally start sleeping longer at night without needing regular feeds. Their bodies are more capable of taking in what they need during the day and then they gradually learn/adjust to the longer sleep at night and are able to go without feeding so much then also. I personally found dreamfeeding or feeding if LO woke to be counter productive past this age so toughed out a few nights and he was sleeping through fine.
3 - 4 hours during the day sounds pretty good. My LO could do max. 6 hours at night around 3 months and then the dreaded 4 month growth spurt happened and then it was back to feeding 2 - 3 times a night. It only got better when LO started on solids at six months.

Hope you get loads of :sleep: in near future.
thanks for replys guys, seems Niamhs doing better than i thought, i thought all babys went the 4-6 hours you get told you can leave them up when first born. :oops: :think: :doh:

Niamh did have a spell when she was feeding a 5 mins every half hour nearly during the day but i blame OH for it (he was handing her to me and telling em to feed her everytime she squeeked till i put my foot down :shakehead: men!!!!!)
Spritzer said:
thanks for replys guys, seems Niamhs doing better than i thought, i thought all babys went the 4-6 hours you get told you can leave them up when first born. :oops: :think: :doh:

Niamh did have a spell when she was feeding a 5 mins every half hour nearly during the day but i blame OH for it (he was handing her to me and telling em to feed her everytime she squeeked till i put my foot down :shakehead: men!!!!!)

You were told a BF baby could go 4-6 hours between feeds? At night? I'm not sure as your wording doesn't quite make sense. Whoever told you that never met my son :lol: Or most of the babies on here :rotfl:

And its possible your LO was having a growth spurt and was needing to feed more often. They have a few of them. 6-7 weeks and also around 3-4 weeks iirc.
Some bf babies will sleep through the night. Finlay did a few times but he'd normally cluster feed something stupid till he went to bed :lol:

Just noticed you are from Scotland - where about? I am too ;)
Cooper feeds every 2 hrs ish in the day can be more or less depending on where we are. At night he's now sleeping for 4 hr blocks but still feeds 2/3 times a night. I was suprised the other night he went from 7.30 till 1.30 but he had had his injections and i gave him some medicine as he was screaming before bed!
Tamzin has 5 feeds a day every 4 hours and will sleep 9 hours at night and she's breastfed. I struggle to get her to feed sometimes but she gulps her milk down like there's no tomorrow and fills herself up very quickly. Still on the 75th centile :lol:

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