next set of babies

Went to the doctor's yesterday and of course nothing is happening, didn't even check my cervix, said there was no point because of the way it was last week and would only check if I was getting stomach cramps :cry: He doesn't think I will come early, I think I am going to go over, as nothing at all is happening except period type pains.

I asked about the hiccups things and he never heard of it and thinks it is an old wives tale.
sorry nothing is happening for you :(

thanks for asking about teh hiccups, im going to check it out with my midwife aswell later, Coby had hiccups last night, i was so dissapointed lol
Hey, how slow am I?

I have just noticed your tickers!

Where have I been in the last few days? Answer: Everywhere!

Got the cot this morning and nearly everything is bought!
Am also due January 31st but due to be induced on the 9th!

Fingers crossed for me...

can anyone tell me when the baby in my ticker will move to the final square, i am so impatient

it should move in to it within the next few days hun.

i think mine moved in when it said i had 4 weeks and a few days left
i am getting so impatient now. have you been finding that you are getting a bit short with people at the moment.

sometimes i feel quite violent!!!
yeah i was like that a couple of weeks ago, i was snapping at everyone and doubting everything they were saying, as if they were llieing or something.

i have become much calmer now tho, sounds crap but im back to normal but with a sense of peace over me.

hopefuly you will come out of it soon hun, but vent away as much as you need to


i was just going up to the first floor to say goodbye to some voluntary helpers that i sometimes work with, and i got in the lift as the stairs kill me at times. and there was a porter in the lift and he started moaning at me as he had pressed the button to go to the 2nd floor and as i had pressed the button first it came down to me. i so wanted to give him a mouth full but (a) he was with a young patient and (b) it is my last day of work so i let him off. he was implying that i should walk up the stairs, but you know what i really want to bump into him now.

and another thing was that we went into Tescos for breakfast the other morning and this old witch was giving Joshua (3) dirty looks as he was singing and jumping about a bit (not annoyingly) and when i started to have a go at the woman Jon told me to stop. i could have slapped him.

aww hun

hopefuly once you finsh work today you can relax at home and you will feel better
I think we need to show the original list again with ammendments.....theres a few more babies been born isnt there????????

And yay my ticker has moved another notch!!!!!!!!!!

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