Newly pregnant! And need advice :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2011
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Hi i'm new to this forum, so i'll start by introducing myself! I'm Emily and have 3 children jake who is 7, sam 6, and charlotte nearly 4! I'm am pregnant for the 6th time, as i've had two previous miscarriages in the last 9 months.

My last LMP was 28th june, so cos i was dying to know if i was pregnant, i tested on the 26th july and got a very faint positive! So i retested with 2 more test 2 days later and got a stronger postive and a "pregnant 1-2" on clearblue digital! :)

Last week i had some light bleeding, so i was referred to an early scan cos of my history of miscarriage, and i had my scan yesterday. By my date i shouldve been 6 weeks and 1 day, turns out im only 4 weeks and 6 days! So might it be because i ovulated late?

Also i had a blood test and the hospital phoned me up today and said my HCG levels are at that about right for nearly 5 weeks pregnant? Im having another blood test tomorrow and will get the results on saturday, to make sure it had doubled to rule out early miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.

Bit worried :S Has anyone here experienced a similar thing?
Thank you, Emily :) xxx
Hi :) welcome! Im afraid I don't have any advice other than to stay positive xx
I think early scans are pretty inconclusive I had one at what I should have been 6 weeks and all I saw was a sack. They put me back a week and I was so worried...I knew my dates to a tee. t my12 week scan I was put forward a week to my origional dates even the midwife said but you had an early scan so more should have shown on it. Dont forget that babies grow at different paces. Did you see a sack at all??
Yeah there was defently a sack, but no yolk sac or anything, and it measured at 4 weeks and 5 days yesterday.
Im just carrying on as normal and taking folic acid and hoping for the best, my next scan is the 24th august! xxx
Hi emily, i had the same thing my last lmp was 20th june, i went to an early scan yesterday as i had pain expecting to be 7 weeks (ish) and i was 5 weeks 5 days, but everything was fine :) i even saw the heartbeat, i dont know if scans this early are very accurate as everyone is different but i will go by their date anyway, i havent had any blood tests yet is this normal do you know? wishing you lots of luck and happiness x
Hi Claire, Yeah its normal that they wont give you blood tests yet, the reason i have had blood tests is because the scan only showed a sac with nothing there as it was too early, so they wanted to make sure my HCG level is going up and not going down/staying the same and to rule out ectopic pregnancy. You will have bloods when you first see your midwife :)

That was really good that they saw a heartbeat at 5wks 5days- did they do an internal scan?

I've just been for my second blood test, and will get the results tomorrow, so i can't wait for that phone call!! xxx
hi emily, thanks for the info :) i think i have about a 2 week wait for a midwife, i hate blood tests anyway it takes them ages to get any blood and they bruise me, so im not complaining i will happily wait lol :)

Yes it was an internal scan, they couldnt see it very well on my tummy as my bladder wasnt full.
Good luck and let me know when you get the phone call xxx
Cant really give any advice hunni just giving you :hugs: xxx
The hospital phoned me and my levels have gone up from 756 to 9000! So its more than doubled..but on the phone she said it was only still worried!!xxx
I don't know if its reasonable or not but its excellent news that it has gone up, try not to worry im sure everything will be fine, have you tried getting your scan any earlier? it might help put your mind at rest x
yeh im glad it has gone up. She did say if i had any problems that the scan would be brought forward, but i dont think it'd pt my mind at rest much, cos it'd still b early, cos i'll be 6 wks 5 days when i go back for the scan, and should be able to see everything hopefully..but it is tempting lol. I'll just have to try and relax..easier said then done tho :( xxx
yeah it is easier said then done, my early scan stopped me worrying for about a day now i keep turning into a nervous wreck again my poor other half dunno how he puts up with me lol, only 6 weeks then i should have my 12 week scan :) iv never got that far in a pregnancy before so im quite excited about it but it seems so far away :( I think scans should be more frequent for people with previous mc's but i suppose the option is there if i could afford to pay for them, take care and im sure everything will be fine xxx

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