Newbie with After Implant/Ovulation kit questions.. HELP?!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
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Hi ladies :)

Im Claire, Im a newbie here!

I previously had the implant in for around 4 1/2 years and got it out December 2010. We were not trying or not preventing back then. I have been trying for 3 months now as I feel that my periods are stableish. I just cant help but feel that "something" would have happened by now as it has been 14 months since I have had the implant out. I find that sometimes AF can come right on the dot other times its late/early and also I thought that I could predict ovulation by watching my mucus and my ovulation pains but this doesnt seem to work. This month I plan on buying the OPK kits just to check that I am def ovulating normally. Was just wondering about sucess rates with these? Also how long did it take after implant for you guys?

I promised myself that I wouldnt be one of these presured girls TTC but I cant help it and Im just feeling a little deflated at the fact that nothing has happened yet...

Some advice for a clueless wannabe parent would be lovely :) ....

love & dust
Claire xxxxxx
Hi claire, I too have not been TTC and just going through life as normal but the more I think of and oh have never been careful and took the if it happens it happens approach. We have been together and "doing it" for over 5 years now but never really thought about it. This too will be my first month properly TTC and using opks. Where are you in your cycle now? I'm only just on day 2.

liz xx
oh and welcome to the site, I have only been a member for a couple of weeks and already feel part of the family, they will make you feel so welcome here and no question is a silly question and you will ALWAYS get an answer lol

liz xx
Hi Liz! :D

Thanks for getting back to me. I am currently on 25/28 but I know that AF will come as its the same symptoms every month and thats why I have pushed myself to join and actually speak with others and dont have the "ill figure it out approach" according to calanders, I am due to start OV again 28th February so heres hoping. This is why I want to test with the OPK's as I am not sure that the online calanders are correct as sometimes my "egg white discharge" (tmi sorry) comes before/after the date that I have been estimated to OV on, so I am totally confused and rather than beat myself up about it I thought that I would ask on here.. I have read so far good things when people change over from not using them to using them. Do you take anythig else, like pregnacare ? I am thinking of getting that in next cycle if I dont get a BPF before that.

Claire xxxxx
havent started taking anything yet, we will continue more or less as normal this month (lol) only difference will be the opks but its more of a calculation tool for me before I get really serious about it. then maybe the following month (March) I will consider taking Pregnacare.
Hello and welcome to the forum :)
Opks work well for a lot of people. I found that the best time of day to test was in the afternoon or evening making sure not to drink too much beforehand to avoid diluting your pee. Opks worked for me - I have pcos and never had a clue when I would ovulate and after using them I have a 10 week old :) (although I needed help with the pcos or it would never happen)!
Good luck ttc x
Thanks guys!

I notice your from Scotland too Liz, Im from Glasgow :) - Yeah thats what I meant I will probably start pregnacare in march and maybe pre-seed (hear good things about this..), I think the key is patience with pregnancy and that is just something I dont have!

I will give the OPK's a bash Princess81 as I have been following calendars so far and have got nowhere, although I dont think the temp thing is quite for me.. I would forget!

Claire xxxx
Hi welcome x
Were ttc number 4 I had the implant out on the last day of jan x
Fingers crossed you get your bfb soon hun x
Hey and welcome to the site!!

I had my implant taken out 2 years ago and still no bpf! Atho i had problems with my doc. I had the implant in over 6 six years (2 implanons over 3 year period each) only when i had the second implant put in the doc 'forgot' to remove the old 1!

Im currently using opks and they are invaluable. Last month i got my first opk on cd13 and again on cd14...this month i got my positive opk on cd10 and cd11....If i hadnt have been using the opks i'd have been clueless this month as i had no ov pains at all and only had ewcm after ovulation. Last month i had ewcm BEFORE ovuation!!

Our bodies are complicated things!! lol

Best of look with the ttc x x
Yeah I think the implant has messed up my system, I have a funny feeling that I OV earlier than expected as I get EWCM after OV dates get pain before my CM comes so thats what I am getting next week!

Good luck to you tooo!

i would efo recommend the CB digi OV tests along side the cheapies! as the onesteps gave me strong lines but no smiley face on the Digi??

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