Newbie..Waiting to TTC..


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2008
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newbie here, I get my implamon taken out this week, as hubby and I have decided we want to start trying for a lil one and I can't wait! :D

Does anyone know how long after it coming out does it take to fall???? I don't want to be waiting months! I have looked into it and it says you can fall almost straight away but when reading through its taken a lot of people avervage of a yr!

Anyway Im off to nosey round and to get myself even more broody!! lol

See you round

:wave: :wave: :wave:
I've never had the implamon, so not sure?? but I'm sure there will be someone here that can help!!
Good luck TTC and I hope your stay in here is a short one :)

Here's some Babydust!!
Ive never had the implant but I was on the pill for 13 years until I came off to TTC... my cycle seemed to go straight back into a rough cycle...... the thing is there isn't really an answer, every woman is different and none alike!!! you could get someone who falls straight away after coming off contraception and other that take months and years possibly its just a waiting game hun.... at least once you get it taken out give it a month or so and see where your cycles are at and you will have a better understanding of you body!!

good luck with TTC hun and welcome to the nut house :lol:

hugs and baby dust to ya!!

xx :hug: :hug: xx
Hey hun! Welcome :wave:

I had my implanon removed in February and I remember one of my first posts here asking the same thing!

My cycles returned to normal pretty much immediately, infact even better than before I had it put in! I fell pregnant in May/June (although that pregnancy wasn't meant to be) so it can happen quite quick.

Good Luck TTC don't hesitate to ask if you have any more questions!

:hug: :hug:
Everyone is different, but I do hope that you get your BFP very soon dear!
Thats the problem we are all so different, and not only does it all depend on your body, its also has a lot to do with your partners body as well!!

I have never had an implant, but was on the pill for 18 years non stop, Im also 34 and DH is 40 (I was pretty sure he could produce as has 2 daughters from his previous marriage) :D .

I fell pregnant 2nd month off the pill, yet one of my best friends took 6 months when she came off the pill, and another friend is still trying after 2 years off the pill...........

There seems to be no logical time for "how long it takes"!

Good luck with the TTC and enjoy it!!
:wave: Hi Snuggles

Welcome to the forum and good luck TTC x
Hiya aparently after having one out your body is fertile straight away, however everyone is different and you may not fall straight away as you might not catch the egg on time but you might
good luck and welcome :D
Anna23 said:
Hiya aparently after having one out your body is fertile straight away, however everyone is different and you may not fall straight away as you might not catch the egg on time but you might
good luck and welcome :D

Well I had the thing removed to day and was told that if I had unprotected sex last week I could already be pregnant? erm how does that work?!!!
all the best for ttc hope you don't have to wait too long xx :hug:

Hi, I don't know anything about implanon but I really hope you get your BFP soon. x
Hiya :wave: and welcome to the forum best of luck with those bfps.x

thanks for the welcome, well my arm is agony this am, it wasnt the easiest of things to take out

After a lot pokeing and prodding the doctor finally found it, deeply embedded in the arm, she then proccedded to tell me how they remove it, to which I replied I'd rather not know!
She said ok, we will give you a local A so you wont feel anything, so in went the LA, she then every few secs poked me with shiney sharp object till I could no longer feel shiney sharp object!
I was asked to look away by a nurse as a sharp scapal headed my direction, having a low pain threshold you would have thought sea~fairy would have been sensiable and looked away..but nope she continued to watch, every few seconds an ow that hurts escaping my mouth!
The dr rolled her eyes and said look away it wont hurt so much, But its not supposed to hurt any way I protested! Giving in I turn my head just as she got the lil blighter out!

just waiting for a AF now to know my body is back in normal working order, as long as it doesnt happen when im out somewere no way that wouldnt be good!!

Im so excited, hubby sat there with a grin last night and said It feels weird in a nice way knowing that we are now officialy trying to a mini us!!


thanks again for the welcome

i fell pregnant straight away after having my implant out, i didnt even have a period!!! good luck xxx
dina.marie said:
i fell pregnant straight away after having my implant out, i didnt even have a period!!! good luck xxx

seriously???? ooo

***starts thinkin how many times poor hubby can er get it up???

he aint gonna know whats hit him when he gets home!

sea-fairy said:
Im so excited, hubby sat there with a grin last night and said It feels weird in a nice way knowing that we are now officialy trying to a mini us!!

Aww thats sweet lol

Your making me impatient now.. I have got to wait another 3-4 weeks before ttc!! But I think i'll at least make it onto the August testing thread for the 1st time ever :cheer: Looking forward to that :dance:

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