Newbie saying Hi


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Oct 3, 2007
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Just found this forum yesterday and have been lurking and checking out post so thought I better say Hi.

I have had a medical management of my missed miscarriage just over two weeks ago. I found out at my 13 week scan that my beautiful baby had died and 9 wks. I have never been so sad in all my life. this is my first ms and I have so many questions and worries I am sure I will drive you all mad.

Looking forward ot getting to know you all.
Hiya sorry to say hello in such sad cirmcustances

I am deeply sorry for your loss :hug:

You will find everyone on here helpful and supportive, i have

:hug: :hug:

sorry to hear about your loss, we are all here to help you if you wanna chat pm me.

:hug: :hug:
So sorry for your loss :hug:

The ladies here are totally fabulous and know so much about everything, just ask away. :hug:

Welcome to the forum the girls here are SOOOO suportive!!

im so sorry of your loss :hug: Are you planning on retrying or having a break

Thank for the replies girls.

Yes we are going to ttc straight away.

We had been ttc for almost 2 yrs before the mmc. Came off depo jab took 14 months for AF to return :shock: I had almost given up when I found out I was pg then this had to happen. Spoke to DH as I feared he wouldn't want to ttc again but he said of course we can :cheer: So I will start temping and checking cm as soon as AF shows up. :)

God I love my husband :hug: but getting him to dtd at the necessary time is an absolute nightmare so I have to chart etc in secret so that he doesn't feel that all I want him for is his swimmers :rotfl:

Looking forward to getting know you all.

Are you all ttc too??
:hug: :hug: :hug:
im so sorry for your loss, i to had a loss at 13 weeks, they found that my baby had problems at my scan, so know how you are feeling, i dont really have any answers but if you want chat you can pm me.

I started ttc right away but af came 6 days ago so im back to temps and charting, i havent told dh that im charting either he kind of feels used if i tell him when we 'need' to do it so i just play it cool but always manage to get him thinking it was him that initiated(sp) it :wink:
welcome and sorry for your loss :hug: good luck with ttc again

I lost baby at nine weeks in mid September, trying again but also wondering if we would have been better waiting for 1st AF
I know what you mean, and mw do suggest to wait until after first af so that they can work out your dates but I don't know about you but at 38yrs old I feel that I don't have much time left considering how long it took for me to get my bfp this time.

Good luck with the ttc. Fingers crossed for both of us.
Hi Dollydaydream

Sorry to hear of your recent loss :hug:

I've suffered 2 mc recently, both at 10 weeks. I'm turning 36 in December so kinda know what you mean about not wanting to wait too long! It's really hard to know what the right thing to do is! We waited til first AF last time and fell pg straight away, followed by mc :(

Back to TTC now again after first AF, going for third time lucky!

I think you've just got to go with what feels right for you - good luck with TTC, let's hope we get lots of BFPs soon!

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