Newbie-my ttc story so far!


New Member
Nov 21, 2011
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Hi ladies

Im new to this site today but after burdening dh with more tears today decided it might be an idea to talk to some other people!

Ok, so to give you all a bit of background...I was on depo provera for about 9 years which i ended 2 yrs 3 months ago. As a young girl, I thought this was the best drug ever (no periods to worry about, no pills to take) but now Im a little older (30), I realise that it might not have been the best idea. At no point did my GP tell me that I shouldn't be on the drug for that long either but that's another issue...

We are now in our 11th month ttc and started seeing a private gyn about 6 months ago. He did a lap & dye and found my tubes were blocked and my ovaries were "sleepy". DH is a superstud with no issues at all

WIth my tunes now "ungunked" (sorry tmi!) Dr prescibed Clomid 50mg days 2-6 and confirmed successful ovulation on cycle 2 by u/s. However, after experiencing quite a bit of pain with that ov I was surprised not to really feel anything with cycle 3. I therefore requested more u/s for cycle 4 which is where i am now. Went in on cd10 for scan which revealed a dominant follie of 20mm and uterine lining of 5.4mm. I thought this was a bit on the thin side but hoped it might thicken up a bit before I actually o'ed. I then had a +ve OPK on cd 11 so expected to be o'ing on cd 12. Went back for another scan today (cd14) and was upset to be told that nothing has changed! Follie still 20mm and lining around 5mm. What's going on?! I havent had another +opk since cd12 and have no symptoms of impending O. IS this likely to be a cyst? Has anyone experienced anything similar? Should i be giving up this month?

Hi LuLu

I am really shocked that they put you on chlomid with a history of blocked tubes!!!

Even when your tubes are drained your over 90% likely to have them blocked again - and worse still any blockage could mean your tubes are damaged.

At the clinic I go to you would have been referred for an HSG with possibility of removal of tubes and then you would be put on waiting list for IVF.

Don't worry about the fact you took that drug - one thing iv learned is pregnancy is a miracle! If it's meant to be it will happen!!!!

Xxx will be watching your story chic xxxx
Hey hunny,

Not much i can say other than depo is a nightmare. I had my last shot last december and i have been pregnant twice. Depo has thinned my lining and they don't seem to stick (i miscarried for the 2nd time on sun) After reading up on this, it seem clomid can thin it even more.

Dr's seem to prescribe clomid initially to induce ov, but fail to look into other things that can affect your fertility, ie lining thickness. It's no use ovulating if it won't stick. i would maybe speak to your dr and see what they can do about your lining first? That's what i'm going to do.

5mm is quite low (mine is 7mm ish) and anything under 8mm is considered high risk of not implanting properly and abouve 9mm is optimal.

Regards the non ovulation, i'm not really that clued up on it tbh hun, so sorry can't help there.

Hope you get sorted soon and get some answers


Thanks for your responses. As much as I'd rather not be here, it is quite therapeutic to talk to people who know what it's like.

I've got another u/s on Thursday and I was supposed to be staying on clomid for 6 months before we look at the 'next step'. However, I'm thinking of asking to be referred on to a specialist fertility clinic rather than the consultant gyn I'm seeing at the moment. As nice as he is, I think he knows more about hysterectomies and prolapsed wombs than he does fertility!

I'll keep you all posted. Feels like I've got one hell of a journey ahead of me. :(

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