**** New Tri 1 Roll Call ****

Can you take me off please - mine was not meant to be.
Hopefully I will be joining you again soon xx

I was so sorry to read your other thread, hope you are back soon and take care of yourself xx
Hi can u put me down for 9th Feb for the meantime? I ovulated later so that date will prob change when I get scan. Ta xx
24th Feb please, wasnst going to put myself on list this early for fear of jinxing but what the heck!
Can you update me please. Had an early scan yesterday and they saw a little heatbeat (surprised everyone as they didn't thing they would see anything!), got another early scan on 9th July.
Can I join the list please? Got my BFP this morning!!! EDD is 17th February 2013!! :) x
Cool Newbie r u starting to show yet?? xx
Same with me newbiee and just been told that didnt no when i was ment to be moving x
Had my 12 week scan on monday at 12+6 baby perfect and still due christmas day xxx

My piece of shit galaxy ace
Hey please can you put me on :) Got my BFP this morning and estimated due date is 27th feb xx
My doc is going to do an early scan in a few weeks. He's not so sure my dates are adding up because I got such dark positives so early plus my blood tests are a little higher then expected.
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