New to TTC


Nov 25, 2010
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Hi girls, i'm very new to the forum, we've been trying since may this year and have not been successful yet!!
I'm starting to feel a bit disheartened by it all - hence i thought i'd join the forum!!
Any advice greatly appreciated about opk's - not used them before but thinking about it next month!!
Thanks in advance :)
hi and welcome to the forum
im only just starting to use opks and im only in my 3rd cycle ttc so im not best on advise but all the girls here are lovely and im sure someone will answer ur question, sorry not to be of much help hun and good luck x
Hi MrsLoobyLou!!


Wow theres plenty of Lou's on here ha ha!

I only joined myself yesterday and I am really quite suprised at how friendly and fun this forum is (and of course helpful and full of advice)

I am in the same boat as you with the TTC since May & OPK's..... I have never used them before but I have bought some expensive ones from Boots today and also got aload of cheapies from the net which I should receive on Monday. I think (no doubt im wrong tho) but if I am follow the pattern then I should be due to ovulate this weekend so I will be testing to find out!

Baby Dust xxxx
just to let u know i used opks for months and never got a positive result (only when i was already pregnant but didnt know) turns out i got pregnant altho i m/c at bout 9 wks....not everyone gets a positvte result so never get disheartend jus do lots of b/d....thou sayin that they do work for lots of people so give them a try.. u never know

Good luck
Thanks everyone! It's nice to chat to people that are in the same boat too! Where did you get the cheap opk's from? I may get some as my periods can be quite irregular and its difficult to keep track! Lol!
I will have a look on that site thanks! My periods get on my nerves just when I think they're settling down into a 29 day cycle I'll have a random one!lol! I was due on last Fri if I was having a 29 day one but still no af! Gonna do a test tomorrow but really scared of a bfn! Don't feel pregnant! X
Anyone particular on ebay cos there are quite a few! Difficult 2 know which ones 2 go 4!x
Hey guys im new too
we got married in may : our 1st month of TTC and fingers crossed it will work straight away, so we can tell everyone over xmas x
hoping to start testing sunday which i think will be 10 DPO and 4 days before AF is due x
good luck everyone
Louise x :wave:
I think we need a new rule about people called Louise joining and stealing my BFPs - I demand a limit on the Louise's please, or an increase in the BFPs allocated to the Louise's!

Hello's Louise and ummm the other Louise :)

Please form an orderly queue *behind* me! :good:
Ha ha !!

Louise is a popular name in the TTC section! Fingers crossed we have all got the Louise's here as a good luck charm!!!

And Hi to the new Louise too!!

Wow this will get confusing lol.

LOL - LouiseB
the more louises surely the more chances of some of us getting bfps?! so hopefully this be a good month for lots of us x
:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:hey mrs_wigglez, Mrs loobylou and loopy louize

Welcome to PF

omg so many louise's cant keep up lol

sending lots of baby dust ur way

good luck to u all
the more louises surely the more chances of some of us getting bfps?! so hopefully this be a good month for lots of us x

Some of us ...yes :)

The last lot left of Louise's caught the bus to Tri1, i must have misplaced my buspass :(

Oh except that other Louise, i chopped her into small piece and fed her to Pikachu...
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LMAO!! Remind me to aviod LouiseB at all costs!!! :p

You should have read the Terms and Conditions, avoiding me is in there :oooo: Your in breech by acknowledging me at all.
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Can anybody see that post above mine??

It seems to be blank???

Haha only kidding LouiseB!

Love your witt hehe xxx

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