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Dec 11, 2009
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I'm Kizzi and we've been ttc for 3/4 months now (the first month doesn't really count, we've been officially trying since January).

Each month I try something a little bit new so now I've started charting my temperature and CM. I've been trying to get an idea about my CP but I think it will take a while to get that right.

I think I'm a bit more aware of my body now. I think I felt ovulation pains yesterday. I've had twinges like that before but I'm not sure if that's what it is. Do any of you girls get them? Can you describe tham? To me it felt like really really mild cramp, more like a squeeze pressure than proper cramping, just two inches or so to the left of my right hip. It felt a little bit like hunger pains just there.

If we don't get anywhere this month I'm going to get OPK sticks from eBay and try that next.


don't get OV pains myself but I just wanted to say hiya and best of luck TTC this month!!



Thanks. This place seems great. Really busy and friendly. I've been checking it out on my phone and at work since I registered when we first started looking at TTC and I finally got up the courage to post a message.

Good luck to you too, hope you get your BFP soon. :)

Hi Kizzi, I'm only in month 2 so not really that aware of my body yet - strange how we dont think about any of it until TTC. Sorry I can't say for sure about OV pains but didn't want to read and run. Good luck for this month, when are you due to test?
Not sure of the ov pains but just wanted to say hi :wave: welcome and lots of :dust: for you xx
Hi Kizzibea!

Welcome! I'm new here too - this is only my first month of TTC.

I get ovulation pains - not every month but most months. What you're describing sounds like exactly it - like a pinching/twinging sensation a couple of inches in from your hip.

Goodluck with TTC!

SPC xx
Thanks girls.

I know what you mean. All these little niggles and cramps and things are just a pain before you start ttc and now I'm obsessively wondering what they all mean.

I'm not due until around the 24th so it's going to be a long month here! lol

Thanks Smallpurplecat - that's exactly what it was. To begin with I thought it was just because I had been on my feet for several hours during the day but then in the evening I was sat down and I noticed more clearly where it was coming from. It was only for a few seconds at a time but it was always in the same area.

I'm really pleased to feel it because I was scared that once I started charting I would discover I wasn't ovulating or something. I have a feeling that the next two weeks are going to feel REALLY long!
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Only 20% of women feel ovulation pain so you're 'lucky'!!

Don't worry - everyone here will keep you going through the dreaded 2 week wait!

Fingers crossed for you!

I've done a couple of 2ww by myself (the last one was the worst because I was a whole one day late, I think I nearly burst from anticipation).

The hardest part is definitely keeping yourself from thinking about what might be going on in there.

I'm going to have to see if I feel it every month. I guess I'll spend my 2ww investigating ovulation pain. ;)
I had absolutely no idea about my ov times etc just got lucky I guess! Sometimes I think it can take over your life so I say try to relax and enjoy trying! Have fun and welcome! Baby dust x

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