

congratulations Leigh Sless you must be absolutely thrilled i hope you have a happy healthy 9 months :D :D :D

p.s. can you sprinkle some baby dust this way plz xxxxxxxx
Thanks all so much for your kind words.

For all you TTC's good luck, I felt like it would never happen, stay positive and good luck. I know it wasn't that long but it felt like a lifetime, thought there may be a divorce on the cards before it happened!! Only joking!!

Huge amounts of baby dust to you all.

Congratulations Leigh!!!

Lets hope some of your good luck comes our way!!

So pleased for you Leigh, as i have said 100x before congratulations!
Congratulations on your bfp Leigh. I am going to start charting myself in Oct if nothing happens next month, hope I have beginners luck too!! Hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months.
Wonderful news Leigh Sless!! Well done and congratulations - you must be delighted. :D Hope all goes well for you.
Hi Hannan

Good luck testing tomorrow. Are you testing tomorrow or are you gonna wait a little longer? (your ticker has one day left for testing)
tankett i noticed your af is due today any sign yet? if not when are u going to do another test? xxxxxxxxxxxx
hannan good luck with testing hun xxxxxxxxxx
cmon everyone august is nearly over and we only got 2 BFP (if i counted right lol) lets have some more girlies wishing everyone loads of luck xxxxxxxxxxxxx
hey rach are you testing today??? good luck and loadsa baby dust to you if you are!! x x
hi steph no not going to test today i tested 4 days ago with first response early test bfn and again 2 days ago bfn i usually see af as soon as i get up the day its due but nothing yet although im sure its going to hit real soon i been eating for britain for 2 days and today i feel sick and got lots of af pain all of which is normal for me when af is about to hit :(
if still nothing by tea time i might test or i might wait till 2moro am still hoping but ....... think this month is not the month for me xxxxxxx
fingers crossed for you!! (((((((((((((baby dust))))))))))))) keep us updated!!
omg steph just realised you only got a few days to go now hun :D ooh bet u cant wait hope all is well good luck hun xxxxxxxxx
Hi All

Come on we need a few more BFP for August. I'm not due to test till the begining of September! We'll all be ahving our babies next May.

Good luck to anyone testing over the weekend.
Hi rach
thanks hun, no not long to go now but its not looking like he gona come any time soon!!!! yea exciting now but also very frustrated and uncomfortable!!!! all the best to you and everyone else TTC sending everyone loadsa baby dust ((((((()))))))
grrr still no af think she playing games with me today i know shes coming but oh i dunno anymore now i want to test but cant stop running to the loo seem to need to wee a lot today and they say if u gonna test in the day u should try and not wee for like 3-4 hours b4 testing and im bk and for every hour am dying to go again but trying to hold on as only got one test left in house think if can hold it till 4ish and still no af will test then otherwise will have to wait till morning :(
Sorry Rach, not ignoring you. I've been in the chat room all morning and not checked posts!
I tested yesterday with First Response and it was BFN and I was so fed up all day that I decided not to test today. AF isn't due for another 2 days. no pg symptoms, but also no af symptoms yet. Did have a bit of cramping yesterday afternoon and evening, but think that was just trapped wind! :oops:
But to be honest, that doesn't mean anything. I very rarely get af symptoms, and with my daughter, I was 14 weeks pg before I knew. And I tested negative with all the home tests and the gp had to confirm it!! So basically I'm saying that I'm screwed!!!
I feel so much better today than yesterday, so may even just wait and test after Sunday if AF hasn't arrived. I'm trying to put it to the back of my mind and I feel so so much better.
Good luck to us all. I'm not sure how much I'm going to be on here over the weekend as my daughter comes back from the hols at her Dads tomorrow and I haven't seen her in 6 weeks! So going to spend as much time with her as possible.

tis ok tankett hun sorry u got a bfn but still early days hun glad your ok hope af stays away have a nice weekend and enjoy spending time with your daughter hun my lad got home yesterday and hes only been gone since sunday and its been awful so god knows how much u missed your daughter if she been away that long bet u cant wait till shes home :D take care xxxxxxxxx

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