New to this and stressed already!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2012
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Hey ladies,
Please bear with me as I'm new to forums and have no clue about all the acronyms
and initials eveyone uses so it may get a bit long winded but here goes....
So my other half and I decided to try for a little one at the end of Feb so I took my
last Cerazette on Fri 2nd March. I'd been taking it for about a year and had irregular
bleeding throughout. Anyway, I felt rubbish for a couple of weeks which I think is
normal while the pill comes out of your system and you settle down. I then started
to bleed March 19th for five days which was fine, and we were trying regularly.
Then unexpectedly I had a day of bleeding on April 2nd, next day nothing, then another
day of bleeding April 4th...strange! Now I don't have a clue how to work out when my
next period is due! If I go by my initial bleed then I would guess I'm due sometime
around now but who knows!!
Now I'm constantly thinking about it and have done three tests throughout the last
month, the most recent being two days ago and all negative. I know it's unlikely to
happen straight away but I want it sooooo much ha ha, it's driving me crazy!!!
Someone talk some sense into me please !!!
I was on Cerazette for 3 years and came off it in October. I had a bleed 25 days later and one 26 days after that, they then settled into my old 28 day cycle pattern. It could be that you're having breakthrough bleeding if it is particularly period like and that your body is just settling down. If you keep getting negatives I'd go to see your gp and explain and they might be able to offer you some advice. When I went to see my gp before I came off the pill she told me coming off the pill can sometimes mean your cycles need time to settle (although you can still get pregnant) before you can start to plot when in the month is the best time to conceive. Sorry I can't be any more help x
Hi Louise, I thought I would reply to your message as I came off Cerazette on 9th Feb after taking it for about 6 months. I didn't have any bleeding for the 1st 20 days, then the next was about 28 days later (which only lasted about 3 days!). This cycle I have had spotting for the last few days and don't know if I should count this as the start of my period or not! It's very confusing and I am getting really frustrated that I am not pregnant yet. I tested the last two cycles to see if I am ovulating and have had two positives, but no pregnancy yet. I'm not sure if my cycles are back to normal yet or if my body is still settling down after coming off Cerazette. I guess I have to be patient and see what happens. The temptation to keep doing pregnancy tests is so strong, even though I know they will be negative. Fingers crossed your body settles down quickly and you get your BFP very soon xxx
Thanks for the replies ladies. I know it's going to take some time for things to
settle down and for my cycle to get it's act together, I'm just so impatient!!
I'm sort of praying for my next period so I can start trying to work my cycle out,
get some ovulation tests etc but on the other hand I don't want my period to turn up
so I get my BFP instead! (Check me out getting into the lingo!)
Good luck to all of you trying to do what we spend most of our adult lives avoiding!
Fingers crossed xx
Lol Louise, I know exactly where you are of coming from - I am the same as you, wishing to get my period (AF) but at the same time hoping it doesn't come and that I am pregnant!! It's weird having spent all of my adult life trying not to get pregnant, and then turning it all around and actively trying lol.
I'm not really in the same situation but I have PCOS and came off the depo jag about a year ago and I really wasn't sure what my body was doing so I bought some (well loads) of nice cheap OPKs. I didn't know where abouts I was in my cycle but I started doing an OPK everyday anyway. I got a nice positive eventually and it helped me relax and figure out what was happening. I then did OPKs right through my next cycle just to really get to know what was happening. This time I'm just going to do them arond ovulation time. But basically what I'd advise is to do OPKs just so you know you are doind something and you may learn about your cycle that way.
I was on this same pill for yrs, trying not to get pregnant, came off it in december an it took two cycles to become back normal but I was on it so long I don't really know what is normal for me, I don't use any opk just BD pretty much every day as I figured i don't know when I ovulate or how long exactly my cycles are, but off a 28 day cycle I'm now 1 week late been doing hpt like some sort of mad woman an all bfn :-( but still no af :) either i am pregnant or my body is playing some very cruel games
Thanks again ladies, I appreciate all the advice, this ttc lark is very stressful ha!

Well AF showed on Monday so I know this isn't my lucky month but as much as I'm gutted I needed to get an idea of my cycle anyway so it could be a good thing..

Now that AF is almost over I'm going to invest in some ovulation sticks and try and get the timing right this month!

So when do I start testing? I'm not really clued up on stuff yet!

Amanda J, how's things? Really hoping for ur BFP for you, and everyone else out there TTC xxx

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