Hey girls!

Does anyone wanna be my text buddy?! I was gonna ask ages ago but didn't have a phone for months, just got a new one for chrimbo so let me know if anyone if anyone wants one! :D I'm due 27th April!
Can I have a text buddy please? I'm due 9th July :hug:
Hi everyone, Id love a text buddy too if anyone is looking for one? Im due on April 17th :)
Hey Snuggle, I'm due mid August if you'd like to text buddies? Let me know x
Aww sorry hun, forgot to check this. I have babyblonde as my text buddy but mudgey is looking for one if you two want to pair up :hug:
I'm looking for a text buddy but I dare say babyblonde will fill you in too :)
I am due july 14th, still waiting for my scan to confirm this, i would love a text buddy and live near leeds. :hug:
I'm still looking for a text buddy. I'm due 11th august but waiting on my scan to confirm all. I live up near Edinburgh. Let me know if your interested x
im due 30th april, if anyone wants to be my text buddy! please....im feeling lonely without one! :rotfl:
i need a text buddy, well naz is going to be mine, but with her being away at the moment maybe i should have a stand in one, cos the things that are happening atm u never know whats round the corner :(

im happy to be anyone's who needs a buddy aswell :hug:
Maridunn and Chezzabell I will be either of your text buddies if you want?! :D The woman I PMed my number to never replied and I don't think she comes on here anymore so I currently don't have one either! :(
Hi Girls
I would really like to have the job for being a text buddy to someone. I'm due 25th May if anyone is interested?
Thanks :hug:
Hi girls, if anyone needs a text buddy just PM me your number as i'm free too. My bean is due 22nd June.
i'm due june 4th, would love a text buddy if possible :D
Girlies Im due 12th July and am happy to be anyone who wants me's text buddy :D
Your on Serendipity :D Im a textaholic so this should be a breeze!! xx

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