New pump + BF question


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2011
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well my new mini maedela came today, will see how well it works.
on another note i was wondering how long your lo's latch on for? Alyssa is such a lazy baby, she appears to latch on fine, sucks a bit and swallows for a lil while then falls asleep. im constantly tickling, poking and prodding her and i had her on the boob for over 2 hrs before between winding and waking her up and swapping sides. i know there is plenty of milk there as once shes sucked on it a lil it leaks out readily and goes on her face if she dosent aim right, she has a strong enough latch and takes a large amount of nipple in etc. ive asked various mw's and all have said her latch seems fine but she just falls asleep rather fast and then the sucking tails off and she dosent swallow much. then i have to top up with formula which she guzzles down greedily enough. sometimes anything up to 4oz but usually an oz or 2 after a boobie feed. this morning after her epic 2 hr attempt at feeding she took 3oz of formula so i dont think she got a lot of BM out of me but it was leaking out happily enough when i was attempting to feed her.

bloody confusing this BF lark, and bloody lazy baby lol. im gonna go down the support grp on weds to get some advice but thought id check here too
Sounds exactly the same as what I have been going through for the last 5 weeks. Pump as much as you can to keep your supply up. I kept thinking that keeping my LO on my boob woukd increase my supply, but she was so lazy and I dont think she was emptying my boobs. She's been much better at eating now but I still hqve to top her up with about 3oz almost every feed. Desperately taking fenugreek and pumping as much as I can. Also if you pump enough you can top her up with breastmilk instead of formula. The 2 hour feeds are awful, and i think they eat again right away because feedings are typically 2 hours apart from start to start. Its hard on us moms to feed them constantly! Good luck!
its not so awful cos once she sleeps shes asleep for 4 hrs ish at a time but that worries me too sometimes
plus today shes got some mild rash thing going on...grr she dosent seem bothered by it so im thinking milk or heatrash
Aw poor lttle thing with the rash! Wow, 4 hour naps! Not the same as mine then lol, she only sleeps 5 minutes the is hungry again unless I give her a bottle.
G doesnt latch on for very long, 15mins at the most, and then shes done - i keep hearing how a typical feed should last about 40mins, but G just isnt interested for that length of time. She usually goes 2-3 hours between feeds, so im guessing 15mins is enough for her at the moment. xxx
see i can have lyssa latched on for an hour and shes still hungry after too. she just falls asleep while on the boob but wakes up again wanting more when i unlatch her. ive tried everything to keep her awake during too but its like a sedative lol
see i can have lyssa latched on for an hour and shes still hungry after too. she just falls asleep while on the boob but wakes up again wanting more when i unlatch her. ive tried everything to keep her awake during too but its like a sedative lol

Frustrating isn't it! I even tried cold face cloths on her back! Didn't work. She did get much better after about 4 weeks though. It still takes her about an hour total, ad then I need to top her up, but i make sure she's emptied my breasts first.

Sounds like G is a very efficient eatet! I am jealous haha. :)
nice to know im not the only one lol
I always have to top Hannah up top. She can also do a four hour nap if she full. Xx
Aw poor lttle thing with the rash! Wow, 4 hour naps! Not the same as mine then lol, she only sleeps 5 minutes the is hungry again unless I give her a bottle.

Sounds like my LO... Draining isnt it?!?
Oh my LO has got SOOO much better at not falling asleep the last few weeks!

Have u tried to undress her? If she's not too comfortable, she might stay awake to manage to eat enough?
yeah lol, shes just too cosy. shes getting better tho so i think i should be able to phase out formula soon

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