Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2008
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i'm claire! i'm new here and would like to say hi to everyone and ask for some advice please!! :oops:
me and my partner have just decided to ttc recently.
as im new to this i wondered if anyone had any advice to help that us newbies might not know!?
im 30 (so getting on abit! lol! :cry: ) and as im not in my twenties anymore and getting closer to the age where ttc is harder do not want to waste any time and any valuable info would be a godsend!
has anyone ever used fertility kits before??
does anyone recommend them to check early if me or my partner have any problems?
my cycle is usually spot on to 28-30 days. i started today,4 days late,(which was very rare for me) after getting a negative result so feel abit disapointed! ........i was also abit relieved though too as i was abit worried that i had not started after the negative result so was wondering why!!!
grrr does anyone else get confused and feel their life is revolving around this whole ttc thing!?!? :wall:
i bought some ovalation tests,when am i best to use these and are they pretty accurate?
ive just bought "taking charge of you fertility" book from amazon so am hoping i will get abit more clued up when i read this!!
anyway enough from me for now!!
pleased to meet you all and thanks in advance for any replys i receive!!
claire x :hug:
Hi claire and welcome to TTC :wave:

I'm 31 and got my BFP yesterday after ttc for nearly 9 months. When I first started to look into getting pregnant I was suprised to know how little I actually knew about conception.

The best advice I can give you is to just relax and enjoy it. If after a few months you are still getting no-where then start too look into it a bit more.

If you have very regular cycles then you are more than likely to ovulate around the same time each month. The best sign your body produces to tell you that you're fertile is your Cervical fluid (or CM for cervical mucus). The basics of monitoring your fluids are to keep a watch on what your body is producing when you wipe yourself when you go the loo and any wet sensations you may have down there.

Immediatly after your AF you should have little or no CM at all. If you do have any it's likely to be dry and crumbly or very pasty to touch. As you get closer to ovulation this should turn creamier and wetter and eventually turn into something that looks like raw egg white (or Egg White Cervical Mucus - EWCM), it can be clear or streaky but should stretch for a good inch or two. This EWCM is the most fertile type because it helps to keep the spermies alive and guide them to where they need to go. If you manage to have intercourse around the time you get the EWCM you will be pregnant in no time.

The other piece of advice if you are a bit sqeamish about furking around for CM is to just relax and try to BD every other day throughout the month and that way you can't fail to miss it

Good luck

Hi Claire


Umm, not sure what advice I can give...let me think!

Take folic acid when TTC
Get your legs up in the air after you BD (if nothing else it cant fail to make your OH laugh!)
Try and relax about it all (Practically impossible to do this if you ask me!)
If possible pinpoint when you ovulate using OPks

We tried the fertility tests and have mixed feelings about them! We did the boots ones. Mine came back saying that my ovarian reserve is fine but my DH's came back saying he should see the doc! We had the tests done at the hospital which came back saying that everything was normal afterall. :dance:

I think if you are going to do them, dont totally rely on the results as they are not 100%. However if we had not have done the tests the GP would not have referred us so early for hospital tests! :doh:

Im sure lots of other advice will come your way soon...

Lots of luck and baby dust to you :hug:

Sal x

Welcome to the site.

I would recommend reading the Taking Charge of your Fertility book, there is a sticky post on here with more info on that.

I found using opks useful as I discovered that I ovulated lateish in my cycle. I conceived my son the 2nd month of using them after a few months of trying prior to that.

Once you've read the above book or more posts on here you'll soon pick up what signs to look for to indicate you're approaching your fertile time. Hopefully you will get your BFP very soon.

30 is still very young, don't be worrying about your age. :D

Good luck!
Hi Claire,
Welcome to TTC!
I'm in a similar situation to you, got my AF today aswell, after some reasonably promising signs so was also wondering whether to get a fertility test to see whether everything is functioning ok.
Its nice to be on the forum and be starting the whole cycle thing with other groups of people
S xx
hello all!
thanks so much for all the replys! i'm pleased to "meet" you all!
i bought some of the home fertility tests online yesterday so am hoping the results come back all okay,thanks for saying im not old!! (i do feel it sometimes!!)
i guess i kind of did not realise how the years creep by and before you know it your 30! i now feel emotionally ready for a family and patient enough to cope with one were i didn't when i was younger.
so for me the time feels right.
the signs sound positive though that my body is doing what it should,as i do get the cervical mucus and it is at the right time of the month too!
strange how you get it every month but i never really saw it as a sign of anything before its just something you kind of expect each month! does that sound daft!?
grrrr my period has come on with a vengance this month! my period pains are awful,im so glad i have not had to go to work today as i feel pretty drained and washed out.
well i'll be off for now!!
thanks again to everyone for your replys!
claire x
Hi Claire :wave:

Welcome to the madhouse. We all try to keep each other sane but it doesn't always work. :D
Hi Claire,
Could you send me a link to where you got your fertility tests from?
hi satch i have PMed you the details!
not sure if i can add the link on here!? x

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