new to the board!! could i be pregnant??


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2008
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hi there!! my name is claire,im new to the site and this is my first post!!
me and my partner are trying for a baby,i have read alot of info on trying to concieve and find some info contradicts the other abit.
my question is can you get pregnant around 20 days into your cycle?
i have not started my period yet this month and am now approx 4 days late,my cycle is usually pretty spot on,i go 28-30 days,i am now 32 days.(i never miss periods!)
i took a test that came back negative today.......what makes me ask the question is that i feel strange and different,i do have some discomfort in my stomach but it feels different to period pains,more niggly and hard to explain,i have felt really nauseous for the last 2 days and generally feel light headed and abit weird,is this in my head or could i be pregnant even after the negative test? many thanks in advance for any replys. :)
Hi Claire,

I am only relatively new myself, so I just wanted to welcome you to the forum!!

I am not too sure if you can get pregnant on CD20 - do you mean you only did the baby dance (BD) on the 20th? Were there any other days before that?

Anyway, hope you get your BFP soon! :D
:wave: Hi and welcome

On a 28 day cycle you should ovulate around day 14 of your cycle (cycle day 1 being the first day of proper bleed of your AF (period) although if you are stressed or ill then this can delay ovulation and therefor delay AF. It is soo confusing and I hope I have explain that right if not someone will correct me. Do you know if you ovulated on day 20 or like Ani asked is that when you only BD?

When I fell Pregnant (sadly lost) I dont know how but I knew that I was, I had discomfort in my stomach and felt sick most of the time. I did lots of test (I am a self confessed POAS (Pee on a stick) addict and there is plenty of us on here :rotfl:) on for the first few days they came back BFN (Big fat Negative) but then I got my BFP (Big Fat Positive) so do not give up hope. Like I tell myself it is not over until The witch arrives.

When you test it is best to test with FMU( first morning urine) as the Hormone that the HPT picks up be stronger when you have not had a drink or food.

Sorry for the essay If I am wrong anywhere then someone will correct me. It is confusing all the TTC but this forum is really good filled with lovely people that are here to answer questions and support each other

Good Luck when you test.

hello there!
thanks so much for the warm welcome and replys!!
my period started today,im disapointed as i was getting my hopes up but was also getting concerned as to why it had not come on with the test coming back negative,at least we try again next month!!
thanks for the abbreaviations aswell! i was wondering what they meant!!
i do find all this quite confusing!!
i did not realise it was so hard to get pregnant! i seemed to spend my younger years avoiding it happening and now i want to get pregant, i get my hopes up and then they get dashed again from month to month!
does anyone else find it all confusing to or is it as im new to all this!?
my boyfriend used to do a job were we were not always together around the best times of the month but as he has finished the job now i am hoping we can have a better shot at it happening!
does anyone have any tips for me and where do you get the counter things for your ovalatuion times please!!! (ive noticed some members have them on their profiles!)
i appreachiate any help i can get!!
many thanks!!
Hi Claire,

I know what you mean; you spend your youth trying to avoid getting pregnant, and then when you actually want to, you realise you really only have a measly 12 hours every month to do it!

I got my ticker from I think there is an OV one on there too.

Hope you get your BFP soon. Ani xx

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