

Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
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I'm nesting again and have just been and ordered a new lounge carpet and put the first coat of paint on the hall :shock:
bless you hun you are getting right into it all aint you :)
manda xx
weve just priced laminte flooring up for the hall and kitchen :rotfl: i am having urges , but at this min im also so tired from not sleeping last night and so full fromt he brill lunch i just ate that i dont think the urge is strong enough :rotfl:
awww make sure u take it easy!!

we got a new fridge/freezer y'day. i love doin housey stuff he he
I've been nesting for ages! :lol:

We really need to get a move on, actually. I'll be in the loft next week trying to make space for all our stuff so that we can start decorating our middle room as our office to free up our office for the nursery.

Only 15 weeks to go!
me 2 G3M!!!

hopefully we'll be movin 2 a bigger place once the baby is born
we've got three bedrooms but they are all taken now :rotfl:

We have a loft too which is fairly full and seans stuff is still at his mams
I wish I could catch the nesting bug. The only urge I have is to sit on the sofa with a big bag of maltesers :lol:

Only got it a few days before giving birth last time and it lasted about 2 days!
We had a Gym we needed to get rid of to make a LOT of space in our "spare" room. I stuck it on EBay in the week but didn't think it would sell and lo-and-behold, someone bought it tonight and they're coming to collect it tomorrow! It's just what we needed. With that gone we will be able to start clearing out that room, get it decorated and get our desks in there and then get on with doing the Nursery nicely and pay that lots of attention and decorate it with love and care :D :cheer:
Nesting? Whats that :lol:

My house is a tip and I have no energy at all to do anything :(
I haven't started nesting yet and don't think I ever will. Since being pregnant I have did nothing in the house which is really not like me at all.

Anyone who enjoys it is more than welcome to stay at mine for a few days. xxx
By the time my little man arrives I doubt there will be much left to do :rotfl:
Babylicious said:
By the time my little man arrives I doubt there will be much left to do :rotfl:

Pop down to Peterborough any time. I'll give you a paintbrush! :rotfl: :rotfl:
Yes then nip to mine afterwards as im not far from peterbough!

Thanks! :rotfl:

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