

Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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Got my first baby group today!!

Very nervous!

Is it rude to leave early if we don't like it??

Good luck I'm sure you'll love it :) if not....just fake an urgent text or phone call ha!!

Hope u have fun xx

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Yeah or just say you need to get back for something. Its nervy going somewhere new but luckily babies are easy conversation starters :) good luck x
Thanks! The first challenge is getting tyler out with enough time to get there!

I'm sitting on my own with a sleeping baby. All the other kids are older not one other baby the only person who's spoken to me is the leader :|

:hugs: sometimes it takes time. Be brave and ask someone a question. Xxx
Awwwww Hun sorry. At least you know for future. I've got a meet with the NCT mummies from my antenatal classes this afternoon. I'm really nervous too because it's my first trip out with just me and J.

Why don't you look up baby massage classes? You'll be guaranteed babies of the right age. I'm gonna check it out next week.
I did a baby massage class through a local surestart centre. I got to know a couple of women through that although I had been to antenatal with one of them but we hadn't spoken, and the other woman would always have a midwife appointment before or after mine but again we didn't speak until this baby massage course.
They told me about a mums and tots in our village which we all go to now and we meet up and go swimming on tuesdays and rhymetime on Fridays.
I strongly recommend having a look at what courses like baby massage there are in your area, you'll meet other mums through these.
I honestly feel that going to these groups helped me become confident with LO, and also it's great that I've made new friends. All our babies are the same age so hopefully they'll grow up together.
Hope you can find something more suitable for you and LO soon. Be proud of yourself that you gave it a go. xx
I'm quite keen on going, there's one just down the street, but it's a bit nerveracking with a baby this young, and there wouldn't be much for him to do, it'll have to wait a bit.
oh dear, this one didn't work out but don't let it stop you trying other things. we have something organised everyday apart from friday (usually go in and meet oh for lunch) the babies are all getting to know each other and it gets A LOT easier. every baby has cried at some point and no-one bats an eyelid - they are all thankful that its not theirs!!!
I think I spoke too soon. I met a girl the same age as me with a 1 year old who I was chatting to and as I was leaving she asked wether I'd be back next week.

The only problem is Tyler has doctors appts next week which I forgot about so I might have to change them or go after.

Got a different group to try tomorrow.

Well done for having the guts to go, I think I would try and change the time of the drs appointment myself as long as no harm was being done.

I haven't been to one, going to do baby massage as I do it already and L loves it, plus it's all babies. It's not talking that's a problem other people love talking about their babies as much as I do, it's the ice breakers.
Keep trying different groups and you'll find one that suits you, definitely see if theres any baby massage groups near you Xx
So baby group 2 today! We're meant to leave in 5 mins and Tyler's asleep!! Don't really know what to do now lol!

Put him in his buggy/car seat and go xxx I do this with Fin he doesn't normally wake up xxx
Put him in his buggy/car seat and go xxx I do this with Fin he doesn't normally wake up xxx

Agree, bung him in and off you go. J just falls asleep as soon as I put him in the car or buggy, must be a motion thing.
How did it go Hun?

I've put LO name down for little swimmers and baby massage at the moment :) x

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