neg pregnancy tests, but think I might still be pregnant, could I be?


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2010
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Hi Everyone!

Sorry about the long post, but I need to get all this off my chest!

I'm quite confused now as I'm trying to figure out if I might be pregnant or not. I'm married and we are "waiting to try" because of studies etc, but we really want children, so we're not as careful with protection as we could have been, so there's always a small chance that I could get pregnant, and now I haven't had my period in a really long time.

I've always been irregular so I kind of gave up on counting, but I know that on the 6th of november (20 days ago) I was arguing with my husband in a way that made him certan I would have my period the next day, and I told him that could be a posibility because it had been a while sincelast time. I haven't had my period yet.

The last date I KNOW I had my period was 9th of August, and I know I've had it twice after that, so counting my "irregularities" I am maximum 26 minimum 6 days late. I have taken a couple of pregnancy tests, both in the day and in the morning, and they've come out negative.

Yesterday was the first day I really started "worrying/hoping" that I was pregnant (I took a test about a week ago because it already then was so long since my last period, and when it came out negative I didn't think about it anymore, but I've read about people who get neg until their 12th week etc.. so I can't stop thinking about it) And I started reading about symptoms and realised that I have noticed several and commented on them without "looking" for them so to speak. I told my husband recently that I thought it was so strange that I needed to pee so much, he wondered if I had a fever the other day because I felt warmer than usual and I said I felt fine, and I've been complaining that I'm more tired than usual so I get a lot less done. I don't have especially sore breasts and no nausea.

It's just all quite weird, and I really need some feedback from people. Both my husband and I would be really happy if I am pregnant, but it's hard to talk about this too much with him as I don't want us to build our hopes up too much either.

Oh, and last week I ate an almost 100% vegetarian diet, which I normally don't, and I know that that can make you delay or even skip your period, but I am so late that I would have thought I should have gotten my period before that anyway.

Also wondering when nausea kicks in for most people, and if it's "hereditary". My mother and my half sister have both had tough pregnancies with lots of vomiting, so that makes me think I might not be pregnant. But really, I'm just really clueless right now.

Thanks for taking the time to read al this! Guess replies will be wait a couple of days and do another test.. but still nice to hear it from others and not just my head, or to get other feedback if anyone has anything else to say :)

Hi hun, sorry to hear you're in limbo!

I've just started my period and today was cycle day 66, I'm irregular too and my last period was the 27th-29th September so I know what it's like to have long and irregular cycles.

Your signs sound good but to be sure, I'd go to the docs and see if you can get a blood test. This will be more accurate at showing if you have the HCG hormone going up than a home pregnancy test will tell you.

I hope you get things sorted soon, it's awful being in a position where you genuinely don't know where you are.

x x
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Hello :-)
I am also in the irregular cycle camp,; my last cycle was 58 days!
I agree with MissJ, if the HPT's are showing up negative, go & have a chat with your GP & see if you can have a blood test to confirm.
Good luck x
Hello :)
I agree with the girls in getting a blood test. I'm in a a similar position (Cd38 today with many pg symptoms but many bfns too) and I'm thinking of calling docs on Monday & hub agrees.
Put your mind at rest hun and get to the GP xxx
Thank you all three for your replies! It's good to hear more people experience the same frustration. Seems like all I come across when googling it is posts from women saying "I'm 1 day late! I must be pregnant!" :P Which is just something I can not relate to at all, and it makes me freak out when I'm days or maybe even weeks "late" if you can call it that when I'm so irregular. I just know this time it's taking a LOT longer than usual.
I've taken a couple of more HPTs (yesterday morning and this morning) still negative and still no period, although yesterday my stomach felt the way it does before my period, so I guess that meas I should either get a visit from AF or get a positive very soon!
I bought the first response test on saturday since I read that quite a few people recommended it in different forums, but since they're more expensive I'll wait a cuple of more days or until I get a shadow of a maybe result on the strips I'm using now. I might get an appointment with the docto today, but I actually think there's a bigger chance I'm not pregnant, so I might just wait a few more days. It's easier to wait now that 've "settled" with the thought that I'm probably not pregnant..
Hello :)
I agree with the girls in getting a blood test. I'm in a a similar position (Cd38 today with many pg symptoms but many bfns too) and I'm thinking of calling docs on Monday & hub agrees.
Put your mind at rest hun and get to the GP xxx

Good luck! Let me know how it goes :)
this is so annoying!
I'm definitely not as calm as I might have seemed in my last post.
Now I'm having back aches and my stomach feels weird andI'm tired etc. Really feels like pms, but still no AF.
And I'm not getting anything done! It's almost like I'm just sitting around waiting to get my period or waiting for next day and a new hpt. I haven't been this insufficient in ages and I have SO much to do, but I just can't get around to it! I'm just googling lots of pregnancy stuff, reading forum threads, playing stupid games on my ipod and wasting my time! Argh.
no matter what happens there's one thing I've learned from all this... I'll be paying a lot more attention to my cylce from now on, tracking whatever can be tracked, then next something similar happens at least I should have a slightly better idea of what is going on..

no everything is impossible, I'm pretty sure if I thought about certain preg symptoms enough I'd start feeling them even if their not there, so I can't trust my judgment at all. I'll just have to be patient... or impatient and wait :P

sorry about the ranting, but I'm home alone now and just need to sort my thoughts smehow!
The bit where you said you're spending ages googling and not getting stuff done really resonated with me. I just want to give you a hug. And also drag you to a GP! I've said enough is enough to myself today (Cd40) and am off to GP at 510pm. I'm getting depressed and distressed and it sounds like you are too - go see your GP for a wee chat my love. It can't hurt. Hope you're ok xxxx
The bit where you said you're spending ages googling and not getting stuff done really resonated with me. I just want to give you a hug. And also drag you to a GP! I've said enough is enough to myself today (Cd40) and am off to GP at 510pm. I'm getting depressed and distressed and it sounds like you are too - go see your GP for a wee chat my love. It can't hurt. Hope you're ok xxxx

Thank you! :) I guess you're right.. I just always delay going to the doctor, don't know why.
Since I feel so PMSy today I'll go/call tomorrow if AF hasn't come by then, if it's coming it should come today or tomorrow judging by how I feel, so if it doesn't I have a better reason to go.

Good luck to you today! I hope you get the results you're hoping for and/or at least some peace of mind!

I just wrote a long list over things I need to do so I have something to help me do things... it's easier to get started when I can tick off one thing after the other!
Lists are grand! Just make sure you categorise what needs to be done and what'd be nice to get done. I was driving myself crazy with lists (30items long per day!!!) and feeling I was always letting myself down. My counsellor pointed out that some things can always slide so it's ok to not get everything done. God I sound preachy I don't mean to honestly - I just know I went bananas with the lists even tho I love them lol!

Hope AF stays away and you've to see GP tomorrow and they hand u a bfp :pray:
I got my period this morning, so no babies yet. I guess I was hoping extra much because we're "trying to wait to try" :P So now it might be a couple of years until I get pregnant. I was hoping we got pregnant "by accident" cause then no one can blame os nor we ourselves for getting children now. If I would have been pregnant now it would have "been meant to be" that way. I don't know if that makes much sense..
Oh well.
Thanks for the advice and support!
AAAwww big hug - its soooo horrible when the witch comes.....
Well, something good has come out of all of this!
My husband and I talked yesterday and we have decided to not try to prevent pregnancy! When I talked to him earlier this week about this he was very resistance, it's not the most economically logical thing to do, but apparantly he has also been thinking about this for quite some time now, so even though it's a bit crazy we have decided to stop preventing and see where that takes us!
Well, something good has come out of all of this!
My husband and I talked yesterday and we have decided to not try to prevent pregnancy! When I talked to him earlier this week about this he was very resistance, it's not the most economically logical thing to do, but apparantly he has also been thinking about this for quite some time now, so even though it's a bit crazy we have decided to stop preventing and see where that takes us!

Woooo yay!!! Go for it hun!! Xx

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