Need urgent advice - Paracetamol


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
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Right my head is banging guys :( Partly virus and partly an 'inlaw problem' :mad:

I took 2 paracetamol yesterday as a last resort for the virus and was going to take another 2 this evening only my 15 year old has put me off :wall2: She's doing childcare and they've discussed it today and the teacher said you shouldn't take it :eh:

I've always thought as a last resort it was ok but maybe things have changed?

Does anyone know more recent as my head feels like its about to explode :(

thanks guys xx
take it!!

my brothers girlfriend is pregnant and today she rang her mw (i was in the room) to ask about paracetamol and she said it was ok

Thank you hunny, my daughter is like a mother hen :lol: Also told me to make sure I wasn't eating liver as well :rofl: What # baby am I on? :rofl:
My midwife said that paracetamol is fine, its nuerophen that you cant have. Also when I thought I was pregnant in Jan I had a bad fall and the doctors said that I could have paracetamol to take the edge off the pain but nothing else. Take some and I hope your head feels better soon :)
Paracetamal is fine to take. When I went into pharmacys asking what you can take they just looked at me confused and were like 'you cant take anything...only paracetamol'. So I took it when I was ill :)
Paracetamols fine Hun! I was on cocodamol for a fair few weeks too :lol: hope you feel better soon xx
I was also told paracetamol is fine and I took it too.

Hope you feel better soon xx
I was also told patacetamol is OK. I took shed loads of it when I was preggers for an infected wisdom tooth. Hope your feelin better soon xx
Yep my midwife told me today to take paracetemol and that I could use curaheat patches after weeks of suffering backache, lol
i read somewhere (i think was my purple pregnancy NHS book) that you can have paracetamol all thru pregnancy but 2nd trimester you can take ibrupothen x
Thanks guys,I took it and was glad I did; it was a shocking headache :(
paracetamol is fine but NOT asprin. It thins your blood, which is fine for us, not okay for baby. glad to hear youre better today.
yep midwife says can have paracetemol as per normal dose, I also found massage really good as i suffered loads from headaches in tri 1 x

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