~~Need ur help pretty please ~~

Im sorry I cant sign that

I wholeheartedly agree with Nathanmum, that things like this should be done by the individual not as a whole.

Ill be completely honest i was absoloutely disgusted by my treatment by my midwife the care i had when i moved to my new place, however the midwife before i moved was fantastic a real gem and also each and every midwife i had in the hospital was fantatic, i even have a picture of them holding my baby, and in particular the student midwife was fantastic. They were amazing and i realise i am lucky in that respect but please make no mistake thinking that im not signing because i dont know what it is like to be mistreated.
I could have potentially lost my life after having alfie due to the bad post natak care i recieved by my MW had i not re-admitted myself i may not be here today but imy complaint is about her no other midwife and i dont see why i should sign a petitioj where midwives get stereotyped asit is not the case.
I agree with Urchins comment alot of mums dwell on the fact their labour wasnt how they hoped etc, but so what? you get a raw deal you know being pregnant that that baby is coming out one way or another and when that baby is here you should focus on the fact that they are here.
I believe if you have a grievance against the midwives that took care of you then take it to their supervisor. not attack them all. Just think about the ones that do do an outstanding job how do you think they would feel?
I was thinking about this, if I wanted to go all negative about my birth I could easily do it, Brody was out in 2 pushes, and my MW never told me to pant or slow down...I had a bad tear and ended up in theatre for 2 hours directly after his birth.

I could harp on about the fact I missed this time with him, and blame it all on my MW, but TBH life is too short, I have a gorgeous little boy who I am very grateful for...plenty of moms in the world have it FAR worse than me so I have to be grateful for what I've got.
I personally think that midwives need a lot more support to be able to do their job properly. Whilst I was in hospital all of the midwives were lovely but they didn't have a lot of time for me but that was because they were short staffed and rushing around like lunatics. I am sure that there are the odd few midwives who arn't very nice but we can't tar them all with the same brush.
That may well be the case, but consider this..

Not my health, but my little girl's was in danger. Babies often lose weight after birth, but Katie lost 11oz in 3 days. If she'd have lost much more she would have dies. Yes the midwives were visiting and they sorted it out for me and got me feeding her properly, but this only happened because nobody discussed breast feeding with me. Katie is my first baby, so I did my best. I did leave hospital the same day, but I was on the ward for about 9hrs with hardly any help. More checks should have been done.
I understand that hun and in that case yes by all means take it up with their supervisor, but not all should be attacked for the lack of care by some. I also almost lost my son from bronchilitis when he was8/9 week old, again had it not been for me ignoring the doctor who said there was nothing wrong with him TWICE in one day and taking him to hospital i would of lost my son, you can bet your ass i complained about this doctor but that didnt make it the rest of the doctorrs there fault ... it would be like me having a grievance against that particular doctor and taking it out on each and every single one there.

As iv said please dont mistake me for not going through these things as TBH me and my son went through the mill and both may not be here if some medicak professionals hadnt been questions, but I dont believe that those who do their job properly shoul;d be punished or slandered for the ones that work dam hard and do an amazing job its not fair!
For me, I couldn't have thanked the MW's and doctors enough. My lil boy Dan was born 4 weeks early. I needed forceps because he was distressed, even after 18 hours of labour (pure hell!). I couldn't have asked more of the MW's and the doctors that were in the theatre room with me. In fact I remember thinking 'how much would this have cost if I had to pay for it?' :roll: :D ,
My MW was excellent. I dread to think what would off happened if I was born 100 years earlier!! I felt lucky that there were people around me that knew what they were doing.

TBH I did find a couple of the MW's on the ward a little bit 'off'. But that was probably more to do with the fact that I had just given birth and hadn't slept for 36 hours rather than to do with their bed side manner.
nathanmum said:
im not going to because i think it is unfair to imply that midwifes are

unsupportive and dont listen out of choice. if you work in the nhs you

know that there are many professionals that are overstretched,

overworked, and under immense pressure, it is very difficult to do your

job properly under these conditions. with the way that things are

at the moment with lots of trusts in major dept, morale is at an all time

low, we dont need petitions moaning about how crap we are.

yes there are some awful midwifes out there but they should be tackled

individually. ie complain about them in particular not midwifes as a

group. im sorry about how you feel you were treated but i dont think that

launching a campaign on all midwife is a productive way of dealing with


the reason women are bullied into things is because they dont feel

empowered enough to challenge and dont know the alternatives.

midwifes have to work with in policies and procedures they may not

always agree with them or feel its the best way but the have to work to


if theres one thing i learnt whilst pregnant it was to read read and read

some more so that i could make informed decisions.

im so glad you said that! it saved me writing the essay myself! I am shocked and appauled that such a petition has been wrtten. Midwives do their very best to care for ladies who are pregnant. i hope non have read the petiiton. How demoralising. :(

i will not sign such a petition. :talkhand:
Totally agree with Nathensmum, as a nurse aswell i can totally understand everything you wrote.

When i had my son i found everyone on the delivery suite absolutely brilliant and really supportive, but my aftercare on the ward was crap. That doesnt mean i think ALL midwifes are unsupportive and uncaring etc etc as i know they are not, and like many people have said it is unfair to tarnish them all with the same brush.

Also agree with budge, and i for one will not be signing such a petition.
i am a nurse too altho i don't work as one anymore since having bethany but hubby still works for NHS so i know how hard it is too.

I'm afriad i'm with the girls against the petition if it wasn't for the midwives at m hospital my baby would of definatly died the doctors wanted to send me home and the midwives kept me in because they knew something was wrong.

Conal was born 3 hours after the doctor wanted me to go home in 10 minutes and i am 45 minutes aways from the hospital at only 2lb 12 he would have frozen in an instant.

There are good and bad people on all careers but they shouldn't all be tarred with the same brush :)

Indeed. we are lucky. The medical profession has certainly advanced, as many things have over the years and we are a long way from where we were 10 years ago never mind 50 0r 100 or more.

The are no doubt countless caring midwives who are good at their jobs, and for those who make mistakes, I am sure it is a tough job in which mistakes will be made, just as social workers make drastic mistakes in tough jobs, but are not all bad, and actually provide a good service.

However, these mistakes should not be made, and just as we have advanced as a society from 100/1000 years ago, we must continue this advancement towards perfection. Maybe this petition is the way to do it, maybe not..
mistakes will always happen icecream. Petition or o petition. Everyone is human.
I know we are only human, but is it acceptable in these cases? Not saying it's my opinion, just something to think about..
what we need a petition for is to get hold of and stop all fraudulant disabilty claimsters. :x #

THEY are the ones draining the NHS of money and resourses!!!! leading to low staffing levels and crap equipment.

Lets start a petition about that
i wanna petition for a ban on paperwork. 2 hours i spents filling in

careplans today :wall: hate it hate it hate it :evil:
We can never expect perfection. We are only human after all.
yeah nurses aren't nurses anymore they are freaking secretaries!!!!!!

Thats a conservative governement for you! they fooked it all up!
as parents we make mistakes, so it would be impossile to expect that others dont. some may not be the best at their jobs and some are downright useless however there are more that arent and imagine what it would be like withpout them about. expecting them ALL to be perfect is like living in a dreamworld. When i was being induced the whole maternity block was full as babies are as always unpredictable with minimal staff on now they had alot of women to look after some have to take priority over others people should also think of that too that there are only a few of them and alot of women in labour sometimes you are not top priority and that isnt their fault blame the government and their lack of funding, blame the nation but dont blame women/men who work hard for the pittance they do get!

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