Need to have a moan!


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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God why do I feel like this!

My future mother in law works with me - well in the same building - and her 21 yearold daughter is due to have a baby any day now and for the last 7mths has talked about nothing else - Shes knows about the baby I lost - and yet still all she talks about is her daughter and the baby. I know shes excited because its her first but she so in my face about it! She couldnt wait to tell me that the doctor told her she will probably have the baby by the weekend. I am excited and sad all at the same time.

I am dreading the next couple of weeks - they only live around the corner from us. I am going to be expected to coo and be all excited and normally I would be - its the last couple of weeks has been really hard, and to be honest I feel like I am not supposed to be upset - it was only 6 weeks, and I didnt get chance to get excited about it!

God why do i feel like this.............................
Hi Hun,

Firstly I would like to say im sorry for your loss, what you are feeling is normal and you are bound to feel as you do.

Try to remember that your future mother in law is really excited and probably hasnt even stopped to think how you are feeling in all of this as sure she wouldnt want to upset you intentionally? Maybe try to approach the subject with her and explain how you are feeling, Its very understandable that you are finding it difficult.

I understand why you feel like your not 'supposed' to get upset as im feeling presured to feel ok at the moment. Take things step by step, dont push yourself as there is no right way to feel.

You have every right to feel the way you do, people who havent experienced m/c simply dont and cant understand the emotional pain and difficulty that comes with such a sad thing.

Keep your chin up and stay strong, dont let anyone tell you how you should be feeling.

Thinking of you hun, if you would like to chat then let me know :)

I just had a rant about a colleague on another thread. I have asked another colleague to have a word with him and let him know why I have been off work. I don't think there is anything wrong with you being upfront and honest, if it is too painful to coo can you avoid situtation?
I know how you feel, you get so angry hurt and confused, take each day as it comes, I was about 7 weeks when I lost my wee one. It was only last sunday and I am super super jealous of Charlotte Church grrrrrrrrrr
hey hun

Firstly sending you hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

You will bound to feel like this for a while but i know its not easy having someone putting it in your face believe me i know. Like the others have said could you possibly take her to one side and maybe talk to her or even write down how much this is hurting you. Its great to feel happy for someone else but at the same time its so painful to know someone else has got something you so badly want.

Could you possibly take some holiday for the next week or something? Can you ask your partner to speak to her otherwise if thats an option?

We are all here if you ever need to chat :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: Sending big hugs!

It is soooo normal to feel this way. In fact, I was just coming on here to make a similar whine, so don't feel bad. Some people just don't know how upsetting a mc can be.
My mum phoned last night (havne't spoken to her since January...lives other end of country, aren't mega close) all she did was go on and on about my sister's pregnancy. My sister and I talk everyday and I am truly delighted for her...but my mum just made me feel really left out, talking about her and my dad going to the baby fair with my sister and how my dad is looking forward to his first grandchild. It wasn't as if she even said 'How are you doing?' Then she went on to hassle about when we will try again. I haven't told her we are TTC again....because she will just keep ringing every month to ask if I am pregnant yet.
I just feel so left out, I should be buying prams and decorating a should be me too (not instead of cos I love my sis!!)
Life is unfair.
Sorry for joinging your just seem so similar to how you are feeling.
We can be grump together....some people seem to do nothing but make me sad :(

More hugs :hug:
:hug: can't add anything to what the ladies have said...unfortunately we have all had to deal with this issue at one time or another, just what to give you a hug...come here and vent...makes me feel better when i'm feeling rotten for feeling other know , Lv Yvonne xx :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi Michelle
my mum mentioned your sister, that must be mega tough. Maybe you could distance yourself while they are acting like this for a while, I know I will be avoiding people talking about babies until I know I wont cry. I hope you like your wee present, my mum should give it to you today, it is a thanks for helping me.

Wish I could do this for all you other girls who have helped me...we are not alone and will have our
I am feeling better today! I had a good chat with oh last night!
As for the mother in law - I think I will steer clear of her for a few days.
I am happy for his sister and excited too , but also dead jealous, and I hate that feeling. Its really not like me.
I have lots to keep myself busy with this weekend, I am having a dinner party tomorrow night, and oh is taking me shopping too.
Now I have stopped bleeding I am able to swim and go to water aerobics too, and although i often feel like I dont want to go, once I have been I always feel really good! I went last night and felt really good, got quite a bit of anger out of me!
Hope you all have a nice weekend!

Thanks for all your replys - It really helps!

Love Gem

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