Hi girls, just need some advice really..
Some of you already know ive had a few messed up months, missing my af for two months, having a regular 28 day cycle, then missing the month again.. then back to a reg 28 day cycle.
Then last month i had a 37 day cycle.. so this month do i go by 28 or 37
Before missing my af a few months back, its never ever happend before, and alwyas been a 28 day cycle! do you girls think ill have a 28 or 37, i dont even know when i ov'd :S i havent been using opks yet! And havent bd'd that much either, only 3 or 4 times and not really around the times i may have ovulated!I had lots of cm thurs,fri,sat,sun but none mon and today :S
My last af was 12 sep, so if im having a reg 28 day cycle, i should be due on like sat sun this week? but if its 37, it would be 18th right?
if its a 37 day cycle, when do you ov? have i missed it if is?
Thanks in advance girls xxx
Some of you already know ive had a few messed up months, missing my af for two months, having a regular 28 day cycle, then missing the month again.. then back to a reg 28 day cycle.
Then last month i had a 37 day cycle.. so this month do i go by 28 or 37
Before missing my af a few months back, its never ever happend before, and alwyas been a 28 day cycle! do you girls think ill have a 28 or 37, i dont even know when i ov'd :S i havent been using opks yet! And havent bd'd that much either, only 3 or 4 times and not really around the times i may have ovulated!I had lots of cm thurs,fri,sat,sun but none mon and today :S
My last af was 12 sep, so if im having a reg 28 day cycle, i should be due on like sat sun this week? but if its 37, it would be 18th right?
if its a 37 day cycle, when do you ov? have i missed it if is?
Thanks in advance girls xxx
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