please help :(


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2007
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i was so excited last month when i got my positive OPK on CD13 and i had my first ever 28 day cycle, well i just did an OPK as am on CD 13 and its negative :( does this mean i am not going to have my 28 day cycle? or is it possible to ovulate later and still have a 28 day cycle??

help ladies :(
It is likely that your luteal phase (the bit after ovulation) will stay roughly the same length although depending on stress and whether your cycles are regular you may experience variations between your first cycle day and ovulation.

Keep peeing on that stick, I'm sure it won't be far away ;) :D
dont be sad sweetie, OV can vary from month to month. Keep POAS until you get that pos! If you have a 28 day cycle you should start testing on day 11 until you get the pos....preferbly around 2pm' ish everyday

thanks ladies, i just feel so :cry: just now, i thought id get my positive OPK soon and i really dont want my long horrible cycle back!
I know its hard hunni but try and keep calm and positive :hug: :hug: :hug: a little stress can throw your cycle out and we dont want that :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I rarely get my positive OPK's at exactly the same time each month, they are usually within a 3 day period though and my period still arrives around the same time each month, usually 28/29 days. The one month I ovulated late, my period came on day 34 and I knew I wasnt pregnant because of my late OPK + so in some ways its good to have that peace of mind as I didnt work myself up about possibly being pregnant that month.
My ov used to vary from cd17 to cd21, as did my af 30-34 days in length, which is fine. This is not even classed as irregular. Try not to get upset hun. Also, opk's sometimes don't detect ov, so if you feel you may be ov'ing bed anyway, listen to your body. The chances are you are going to ov in the next few days, so get lots of bd'ing in now, because those swimmers can live for a good few days, laying in wait for that egg! Good luck!


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