Need help!


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
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Am living in my aunt house as temp... god knows when she'll ask us to move out of I need to apply for council..I work part time but partner works kinda full time but have poor credit history no chance to get mortagage.

I have a plan.. Want to go up to them and say mom kicks me out and now living with boyfriend since am pregnant need my own space whats my options... do you think it works?

any advice you give be much appreciated, thanks alot!
Why not just be honest with them?
i was living with my mum when i had my first son. The house was overcrowded and the council offered me a house when my son was born. Dunno what its like there but if you explain the situation might work out. fingers crossed for you.
I also think the best option is honesty. If they found out what you told them wasn't true it may take even longer and get you into trouble. Just tell them you are living with a family member and the situation is far from ideal and go from there.

Good luck.

Yeah you could just tell them that it's all getting too much living with your mum. You'll go on the waiting list and it might take a while but at least you'll be on the waiting list. Also if things get more strained go and see them again and just keep pushing them!

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Me and OH are doing the exact same thing right now, and trust me just keep pushing and pushing, go down maybe twice a week or every 2 days if you can be bothered to see whats happening, eventually (even if you are low on the list!) they will be throwing houses at you to get you to stop harassing them!

word of advice though don't be too picky with the houses they offer you cause my aunt turned down one house cause it was too big :|!! and then another cause it was gas and electric and not all electric, so the council are going mental :|! xx

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