Need help quiting...


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2007
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Hi girls, Im 6 weeks pregnant!!1 :cheer: But I am having a really hard time quiting smoking. :( Does anyone have any advise for me on how to cure the cravibngs and additional mood swings from not smoking?? I tihnk the hormonal mood swings Im already experiencing is all my poor fiance` can handle.. :oops: :rotfl:
sorry, havent got a cure for the cravings, I find the easiest thing to do is go and do something else, even if it's getting the polish out and polishing AGAIN!!! My house has never been so clean. I also found eating little things like cherry tomatos, grapes, fruit chopped up in little pieces, that sort of thing. The craving passes after a few minutes.

Each day without a ciggie is a success, I have had a couple of ciggies and felt awful afterwards, one time ending up with a horrendous migraine. I just remember what those odd times felt like and it puts me off.

just keep it up, it will get a bit easier

:hug: :hug: :hug:

Ello Heatherw25 and congratulations on discovering you're pregnant :cheer:

Well done on your decision to try to stop smoking too, like tuck has said, there are no 'cures' for cravings, and sometimes they take a long time to go, I still have them 3 months after quitting so I do know how bad they can be.

tuck is right when she says go do something to keep you busy, and talk to someone when you feel like you can't do it anymore, it often helps expressing those emotions, even if they are negative, anything to not light up I say hehe

All I can pass on that may help is that the GOOD DAYS GET LONGER and the BAD DAYS GET SHORTER as time passes, trust me :hug: Very best wishes!! :hug: Buy lots of suckable sweets and get a Journal and a pen, keep your mouth and fingers busy :hug:
All i can say is just keep thinking of your baby & that should be enough to make you quit. Thats what I did. If you really fancy one just tell yourself a firm 'No' and busy yourself with something else.

It will get easier, don't worry. I smoked for 14 years & tried several times to quit without success until I fell pregnant. I have smoked a few since Jamie's been born & wonder why I did it for so long!!

Good luck. You can do it. :D

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