Need a birth plan sample??


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2005
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Just saw a post on another thread about birth plans.

Working as a doula I have 2 different sample birth plans that I am more than happy to email people if they need some ideas of what to out in theirs etc, they are ones I have put together myself over the years using all sorts of other sources.

Just pm or email me if you want them.

Much love
Have pm'd you Kerry, thanks for the offer of help. I'd find it really helpful to see what one looks like x
Hi Kerry

I thought that i wouldnt need a birth plan as i am having a c section but looking at it i think i do.

would it be possible for you to email me one.

[email protected]

many thanks

Thanks a lot for the birth plan u sent me Kerry. Shall be getting that ready now!
Hi Kerry

This is what ive got. i dont know what else would be appropriate to put down. it's short and sweet. if you have any ideas (or anyone else) they would be grately appreciated.

I had a bad reaction to the spinal block at my last c section, where i kept vomiting and sweating profusely. i would like to discuss this with the anaesthetist beforehand, as to why this may have happened.

i want the head anaesthetist to do the spinal block and not a trainee

i dont mind one or two students but no more

My husband will be with me

I want my husband to cut the baby's cord

I want skin to skin contact, i do not want the baby dressed.

You also need to say if you want syntometrine jab to deliver the placenta and if you want the baby to have the vitamin K jab.
hi Kerry

do i still need to mention that about the syntometrine jab as i am having a c section, dont they just take it all out. i presumed thats what they did last time. and what exactly is the vitamin K injection for.
Oh yeah sorry - no you won't need the syntometrine jab but they will still want to know about Vit K.

Read this:

What is vitamin K and why is it important?
Vitamin K plays an important part in making our blood clot. A very small number of newborn babies (about 1 in 10,000) suffers from vitamin K deficiency bleeding (VKDB). This used to be called haemorrhagic disease of the newborn (HDN). These babies don't have enough vitamin K. This means they may have nose or mouth bleeds, or they may suffer from internal bleeding which can be very serious.

What does research say about vitamin K?
For 30 years, from the 1960s to the 1990s, nearly every newborn baby in the UK and throughout Europe received vitamin K by injection to protect them against VKDB. Then, in the early 1990s, some research was published which stated that there was a link between giving babies vitamin K by injection and childhood leukaemia (a blood cancer). Naturally, there was a great deal of concern that something which was designed to protect babies from one disease might be putting them at risk of another.

More research was carried out in the UK, the United States and in Germany and Sweden, but none of these studies found any link between giving vitamin K by injection and childhood leukaemia. A recent study in Scotland has found that 400 children aged up to 14 years showed no increased risk of leukaemia as a result of having received vitamin K by injection as babies.

How is vitamin K given to babies now?
Since this early research, many hospitals have changed from giving vitamin K by injection to giving it by mouth. When it is given by mouth, babies need more than one dose. These doses are given at different times, depending on where you live.

Hope that helps!!
thanks Kerry

I have a MW appointment at 8.45 this morning.

the information that you have given to me has been really useful

oh wow thats so nice of you. Im booked in for a section Friday due to baby being transverse is there anything that might be worth me knowing? im not sure what options are open to me so i havnt really planned anything??

Thanks :) xx

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