Nausea, so it begins...

Hi Anne,
I hope you are doing a little better. I have hyperemesis and it really did affect not being able to tell anyone until 12 weeks! Some guessed, others, like work, had to know as I've been signed off for a month so far and been admitted into hospital twice.
Earlier in my pregnancy, sea bands seemed to bring some relief but this did not last. Sleep is an absolute life saver as every waking moment is filled with nausea. I am able to do very little, which is tough as I was a fitness instructor part time on top of my day job so lying around has been tough.
I was very slim when I got pregnant but still managed to lose 7lb at one point.
My top tips now would be:
1) if you feel you are unable to cope it's time to see a health care professional. Especially if you cannot keep liquids down. This was my biggest struggle.
3) eat small portions as often as you can face it
4) swim - if you're feeling up to it, I've been able to do this twice and it made me feel so great I could have wept right there in the pool.
5) make sure you have someone who is up to it when it comes to support. My hubby us great but the constant crying and throwing up will take its toll on anyone in the end! Talk to a friend.
If you find anything that works for nausea let me know! The vomiting doesn't even bother me now but the nausea is a killer. Warning - I tried to avoid eating at one point. The wretching can really damage your stomach when it has nothing to empty! You may as well eat! Ask for a good antacid like ranitidine from your GP! ��
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Thanks so much Hannah!! That's really helpful, I love swimming so I'll try that. My nausea has eased recently so I'm hoping that is it for me. I get morning sickness every morning, apart from that I feel a lot better. Before I struggled so much I couldn't keep water down and I had no energy. I'm really enjoying feeling better, it's good to make the most of it as you never know what's next lol. This is my first so not sure what to expect next xx
Heartburn! Lol that usually follows next. Oh and insomnia and leg cramps at night. If you're really lucky peeling nipples and leaky boobs! 😂😂
Ohh god looks like I've got it all to come ������

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