nausea-bleurgh! any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2006
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Tale as old as time I know.

I'm 6 weeks and just starting to FEEL really sick (though not throwing up). I'm back at work tomorrow and trying to keep it secret for as long as possible, so has anyone ANY tips on how to feel less nauseous or at least disguise it a bit?
I can't offer any advice, but I feel exactly the same ( plus the most hideous headaches). I'm still in my pj's and just can't face getting dressed. I'm back at work tomorrow as well, and I just can't see how it's gonna be possible feeling like I do today. So, any help or advice grately appreciated, I'm sure you'll agree.
I too kept it a secret from work until after I had my 12 week scan - I only told my boss. I know exactly what you are going through it's horrible, I put a tupperware box in my bag with rich tea and ginger biscuits in and had a nibble when the sickness feeling came over me. I found that I felt sick when I felt hungry and so didn't seem to ever stop eating! I have gone off coffee too, so everytime anyone was making coffee in the office I had to make my excuses as to why I didn't want one and to make sure I didn't get a whiff or I would be borking!!! (sp) I forever had a headache too, and just had to try and sit there and suffer in silence when all I wanted to do was crawl back into bed. Don't worry though it does ease off gradually ....

When I finally told everyone they were all relieved, a couple of my workmates thought there was something seriously wrong with me so I must have looked really rough even under the layer of makeup!! :D

Thanks for the biscuit tip! It's always nice to feel you're not alone! Good luck to everyone returning to work tomorrow xxxx
Toast, toast and more toast. Personally I cant eat anything else or I spend the next few hours wanting to barf. Stupidly a few hour ago I had a glass of milk and........ barf.
So , back to the exciting world of toast.

I hope you feel better soon

I was exactly the same, then last Thursday at 12 weeks + 2 the nausea disappeared!

Ginger biscuits worked a treat for me, I have a tupperware box filled with them next to my bed. If I woke up in the middle of the night feeling sick, I ate one and first thing in the morning before getting up.

Toast was the other food that I could eat in abundance without feeling sick.

I found that eating little but often really helped me. Plain foods.

They also say that the anti-sickness bands (sea sickness type things) from Boots really work as well, couldn't find one for myself though.

I hope your sickness subsides soon. It does get better although at the time it feels like it will never go.
I was the same from 6 weeks to around 8 1/2 weeks - then it started to fade!

I found if i ate small and often it would take away the sickly feeling. So I would eat 1/2 of my sandwich with a piece of fruit and a glass of milk at lunch time... then 2 hours later I would eat the other 1/2... biscuits didn't work for me... I needed real food like a sandwich.. toast was a good help! I would eat it with strawberry jam instead of dry.

Oh hayley, definately with jam. Dry toast is naked toast, its got to have a covering. Mmmmmm lemon curd, honey,.

Just wanted to say if you can try Seabands.

They are normally for travel sickness but are a real godsend for morning sickness aswell.

You can get them from Boots or most chemists.

Give them a try, they have really helped me!! :D
I went into Holland and Barrat yesterday and whereas they didnt sell anything that could help the woman did suggest buying a peice of ginger and grating it, adding to boiling water then straining. Its perhaps coincidence but combined with the ginger biscuits I feel a lot better. I really suffered yesterday.

Take care
got to agree on the toast and ginger nut biscuits all i ate for weeks was strawberry jam on toast and biscuits :D xxxxxx

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