Nausea, so it begins...

Yeah, sea sickness bands from Boots. I put them on in the morning after my shower and don't take them off until I'm back in bed in the night! I took them off a bit early the other evening and was sick within about 10 minutes, they really work for me :-) I hope you find they help too xx
Thanks unicorn! I am planning on a card that will look like it has a gift voucher inside, how about you? Xx
Thanks unicorn! I am planning on a card that will look like it has a gift voucher inside, how about you? Xx

My Hubby is a complete geek and so I think he wants to make some elaborate video to put on for the "Christmas Movie" for us to tell his parents.

I wanted to do something simple like a present from Santa with a scan and a pic of the pregnancy test.
Ohh that's a great idea!! I'm letting OH decide for his parents and I decide for mine, they all find out on Xmas. Now I'm experiencing morning sickness!! I just feel sick all the time, hoping it passes soon xx
Thanks unicorn! I am planning on a card that will look like it has a gift voucher inside, how about you? Xx

Haha, I drove to my parents house early the morning after we found out to wake them up to tell them because I was too exctied to wait any longer! We then did the rounds to all the family telling them that day :-) xx
Yeah part of me wishes I'd done the same unicorn, I hate the secrecy and lies! I just thought it would be the best Xmas present ever, I hope I can keep it hidden! 3 weeks to go xx
Ah, it will be an amazing Christmas present, I'm sure they'll be thrilled :-) xx
So I am now wearing my sickness bands from boots!! They seem to be working I just had a roll with no issues, the real test will be in the morning. I do find the bands uncomfortable though xx
Yeah, you've just got to deal with that I'm afriad, I find it a small price to pay for pretty much never feeling sick! xx
Yes I'm hoping this is the cure for me, do you wear yours at night?? Xx
No, they're really irritating me by the end of the day, so I take them off to sleep, but only as I am just about to drop off or I start throwing up! xx
Im not sure what vitamins you are taking Anne but it can be quite common for the pregnacare ones to make nausea worse. It certainly did with me. I switched to Tesco own brand.
Thanks G4yle, I never thought of that before! I use boots own pregnancy ones. Not sure if they're a factor into my nausea xx
Turns out the bands aren't working for my morning sickness! They help me feel less nausea in the evenings, but the mornings is the worse and they haven't helped. I can't even keep water down, I have no energy xx
Oh no, that's rubbish Anne. It may be best to contact your gp or mw if you're really struggling, as they'll want to keep an eye on how hydrated you are xx
Yeah I will do if I can't manage to keep water down, I'm hoping I'll feel better in the afternoon/evening. I slept with my bands on to try and prevent morning sickness lol xx
I can't eat! The thought or smell of food makes me feel sick! I used to love food so much, my stomachs struggling with little in my belly. Any tips on how to get past this stage? I've seen ginger helps but I hate ginger. I thought I'd be so healthy but I can't stomach most foods, I like oranges and that's it lol. My work are going to realise soon, I want it to be a secret till my 12 weeks scan. On a positive note baby is in there and doing well going by my sickness lol xx
Oh no, you really are struggling aren't you!? I've read that ginger tablets work just as well, so you don't have to taste them! Or have you considered alternative therapies like reflexology or homeopathy?xx
Yes but I wasn't sure where to start really. I can't find reviews from real people on what is better?? Ginger tablets is a great idea. You're like a fountain of knowledge with your sickness advice unicorn lol. I couldn't find much info on this forum but I might be looking in the wrong place xx
This has now started for me. I'm between 6-7 weeks (waiting for another scan as I think as I'm on a 35 day cycle I'm a week behind the normal calculation method) and I feel awful!

I haven't 'been' sick - but I constantly feel like I need to be. Such a strange horrible feeling - might take some of the tips in this thread to try and help.

Really want to tell someone at work - but I don't get on great with my temporary boss at the moment - and don't want to tell our ultimate boss until I'm over 12 weeks.

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