I too am feeling hideous. I'm 9 weeks and the past 5 weeks ive mostly been in bed, unable to function. I'm struggling to eat or drink anything. Have been to my GP today and been given some anti sickness pills to try as a step prior to having to into hospital and have a drip. I'm constantly nauseous and sick several times a day, mostly retching as nothing to bring up. Dear lord this is awful and getting me down. Fortunately im self employed so no employer to deal with, no way would I be able to work. Hoping this passes soon, have an early scan this weekend ive booked privately, just want to see what's making me so poorly and hopefully connect with my pregnancy rather than just feel low. No one said it would be this hard!!! Shouldn't complain as it's taken us 2 years to conceive but Mother Nature please start being kind to me!!!