Nausea, so it begins...

I'm exactly the same busy, I don't particularly like my employees lol. I am actually sick it's not fun. But a great sign to a healthy baby on a positive note. I'll see how I get on and I might tell work when I am 10 weeks if I'm still counting with the nausea xx
I feel your pain ladies I am really struggling with the constant nausea too its grim. Just can't wait to start feeling human again. Nothing helps apart from sleeping, my sickness gets worse as the day goes on. This is definitely my least favourite part of pregnancy hope everyone feels better soon xx
Sorry to hear that roisin, it won't be long and it'll pass (hopefully). I just feel off constantly I can't wait to feel normal i won't moan or anything haha xx
I too am feeling hideous. I'm 9 weeks and the past 5 weeks ive mostly been in bed, unable to function. I'm struggling to eat or drink anything. Have been to my GP today and been given some anti sickness pills to try as a step prior to having to into hospital and have a drip. I'm constantly nauseous and sick several times a day, mostly retching as nothing to bring up. Dear lord this is awful and getting me down. Fortunately im self employed so no employer to deal with, no way would I be able to work. Hoping this passes soon, have an early scan this weekend ive booked privately, just want to see what's making me so poorly and hopefully connect with my pregnancy rather than just feel low. No one said it would be this hard!!! Shouldn't complain as it's taken us 2 years to conceive but Mother Nature please start being kind to me!!!
Well I'm probably going to jinx this now, but tonight I felt sick until around 9ish and then it went! Tonight is the first night in weeks where I've not gone to bed around 9/10 due to the nausea (because sleep has been the only way of getting some respite from it).

I'm really hoping it's gone for good. Or even just every other day or every few days lol.
Girls I really feel for you all. I had hg in my first pregnancy and then normal 'morning sickness' this time round so I've put a list of what helped with hg and what helped this time...
Hg was by far the worst couldn't keep anything down and was sick 8-10 times a day. Anti sickness and a drip at hospital helped between weeks 8-11. Once I could manage it at home sea sickness bands where good. Plain jacket pots and fizzy drinks so water didn't just sit on my tummy. Nothing like ginger did anything just the smell made me sick!
This time sick and nausea .... Eating little and often of only what I fancy don't force yourself to eat healthy just get what u can keep down. Eat every hour - 2 hours to keep it at bay. I am also on anti sickness too which is helping. Sleeping enough if u don't get enough sleep u feel so much worse.
Hope it helps and big hugs to u all xxx
Thanks for the advice keep trying, now my sickness has eased eating little and often helps me. So sorry to hear that Kat it sounds awfu!! I thought exactly the same as you "no one told me it would be this bad" lol. Glad yours is getting there Phoenix. I found changing my pregnancy vit& minerals has eased my sickness. That might help you guys xx
My sickness is really odd, it's in a 2 day pattern! The first day I am really quite bad from early in the morning, I wake up feeling sick and I'm sick at least twice before leaving the house and about another 4 times throughout the morning but then it starts to ease at about 3pm. Then the following day I am fine when I wake up and the nausea only starts in the afternoon and continues all evening but I'm not often sick! And it continues like that every other day xx
How strange unicorn! Hopefully it goes away completely soon lol. Mines made me feel run down but the past two days it's a lot better, I'm only sick in the morning and I feel fairly OK through out the day. Before I felt sick all day every day, I'm convinced it was the boots pregnancy vitamins. I might try seven seas pregnancy ones next xx
The sickness is the worst! Hugs to everyone suffering xx
I've been a lot better today, which is great because I was expecting for this to be a bad day and I've been at the hairdressers for most of the day so was worrying about that! I think sleep really helped, I slept 12 hours last night, but then took the whole feeling good thing too far and jumped hubby, threw up and have been feeling sick since! xx
I hope you start to feel better soon. I'm not sure how women function to be honest. This is my 10th week in bed - I feel poisoned, drugged, completely out of it. I really hope at some point the sickness eases, but it seems that with some women (more than I thought) that they just have very bad pregnancies
Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry to hear you are having such a rough time! How are you feeling about it all now? xx
Sorry to hear it's been going on for so long for you kitty!! It's rubbish, oh well the outcome will be worth it xx
I am feeling so sick today! This is the worst so far and I am 9 weeks.. Its hard even getting to work these days. Want to be in bed all day long watching TV being served by DH :)
Ohh its rubbish Mariaisabelle!! It just ruins the pregnancy. I've found nothing helps me at all and for me it's just luck if I feel good, every day is different. I haven't been sick for two whole days so I'm really happy at the moment. I'm sure that won't last long lol. Do you have anyone to help you? I struggle with work when I'm having bad days too, I've called in sick a few times. Hope you're feeling better soon xx
My sickness has eased loads, I'm only being sick once a day at the moment :-) xx
I'm 12 weeks tomorrow and been so nauseated the past 4-5 weeks and it's not easing off at all. Nothing helps :-(xx
Keep your sugar levels steady, don't go too long without eating. I would have a banana by the bed that I would eat before I even got up in the morning.
The thought of food makes me feel sick first thing, I can't even manage tea. I have seven seas pregnancy vitamins and I'm less sick with them xx

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