Nausea in 1st Trimester


Active Member
Jun 28, 2016
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So nausea kicked in big style this week and last few days in particular I've struggled to find anything appealing to eat. The nausea is worse late morning and in the evening, but has little 'waves' at random points of day.
Must say, I am thankful that I've not been physically sick (yet). :x

Anybody got advice for kicking nausea to the curb?
I've been eating dried cereal all day. Just grazing on it out of a bag inside my handbag so I don't look completely weird walking around eating Cheerios. Mine is coming and going, think it's getting better then I worry my symptoms are going then half hour later I suddenly feel sick again.
I kept some boiled sweets in my bag for when the nausea struck! Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't! Also, ice lollies were my saviour as my mouth just felt dry and had a horrible taste all the time, ice lollies always hit the spot.. It's a horrible feeling and I didn't get much decent nutrition in at all for a good 4 weeks but I am glad to report that at 11 weeks it has vastly improved!
Err I have that constant horrid taste too!! I hope I'm as lucky and feel better by 11 weeks
I eat little and often and find that keeping my carbs higher than I would normally raises my blood sugar (I'm diabetic) and keeps the nausea at bay to a degree. Although to be honest I've also found that days when I'm actually being sick nothing will stop that, it just has to run its course.
When did your nausea kick in? I'm 5 weeks 3 days and nothing yet (thinking myself lucky!)
My nausea kicked in properly pretty much Bob on 5 weeks. I had tiny waves of nausea a few days before but I didn't note it down as it was like five minute bursts.
My nausea kicked in at just after 5 weeks and had to be put on tableta as I couldn't keep anything down. I'm not sick now but feel it constantly which is getting me down, I felt fone on Fri and sat and thought I'd turned the corner but it's back again today

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