Full time workers in tri 1.. How did you cope?!

Just got to get through it day by day, i didnt really keep telling people i felt unwell, i was too zombiefied and feeling absolutely awful to focus- did have couple of sick days, but also where I could i remember faking meetings etc to work from home for few hours.

was given lots of tips which i ended up putting in my pregnancy blog- think the ones that sometimes helped me were eating one dry cracker as soon as i woke up before gettin out of bed to line my stomach- giving myself double the amount of time to wake up and get ready for work as waking up i really struggled to do. vaseline under nose to hide some smells that made me feel worse. and just eating whatever i was craving- which was just junk food stodge, coz there was a reason my body wanted that and only kept that down lol

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