naughty boy


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2006
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nathan a real monkey at the moment his favourite thing is playing with plug sockets (we have the safety things in) and smacking. the smacking thing i hate as i dont understand where hes got it from we have never smacked him and were not violent (well around him) :lol: joke hes started throwing things at people too he threw a book at my friend little gril the other day, right at her head, and hes a good thrower its so embarassing. we tell him no but he finds it funny how the hell do you dicipline an 11 months old?
honestly this is all completely normal & do not worry he is just trying new things as strange as that sounds.
all children push the barriers to see hoe far they can push us & Nathan is experimenting!!!!

Georgia & Josh both did it & so will Louie in time.
as to the plug sockets, as long as they are safely covered & you watch him, just atract his attention away to something else with out making to much fuss, as making a big thing will make him realise that it gets you're attention & he'll probably do it all the more :roll:

Are you sure you haven't got my son living with you?? :lol: Jamie's the same, except he doesn't smack,just pushes us out the way :shock:
I guess it is all just them learning.
Whenever I try to tell him off or say no he just gives me a look, smirks, laughs & does it anyway. :roll:
His latest thing is if he knows he's not allowed to do something he'll look at me shake his head, then still do it :rotfl:
the best thing i ever learnt at college and something im gonna really try to stick to with jack is praise good behaviour and ignore bad behaviour, especially at around this age.
like if they are playing really nicely on their own, rather than sitting on the sofa with a cup of tea while they are quiet make a point of going over and playing with them, tell them how good they are ect. then they know that its not only things there not allowed that get attention.
once they know right from wrong its time for more strict discipline, maybe 'a naughty step' if needed, but i wouldnt do anything like this until at least 2 1/2 maybe 3 years because they just wont understand before then. the best thing to do with naughty behaviour now is ignore or distract them like others have said.

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