Natural birth after c section


Active Member
Sep 9, 2013
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Hi guys,I've just had my first scan for my second baby and I'm classed as 'high risk' as my daughter was breach and couldn't be turned due to the shape of my uterus so I had a panned c section. I would rather not have another c section and wondered if any one else had gone on to have a natural delivery in a similar situation?thanks x
Hi Aew. Im sorry ive no experience or advice to give, but im really curious to see your replies on this. Ive recently had a little girl by planned c section & it was exact same as u. She was breach, always had been & they told me it was cos of the shape of my uterus that she got stuck in that position. Im abit far off thinking of num 2 but im curious, what was their reasons for classing u high risk? Wondering would i be same for me also then. I think id like to have a nat birth next time too as i feel abit cheated not experiencing labour or even a contraction. Weird i know, prob should be grateful but its something id like to experience. Have u spoke to ur mw or consultant if u have one about it yet? Hope u get some replies & congrats on ur pregnancy!! x
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I was just about to ask the same question. I had an emergancy section with my little girl as they didn't find out she was breech until i was in labour, managed to get to 5cm before they realised.
At the minute i've set my heart on a natural birth but would like to hear from people who have achieved a vbac.
Hi girls,

My daughter was born by emergency setion. Query whether my pelvis is genuinely too small (I have tiny bone structure and she was massive!).
Anyway, I want to avoid surgery at all costs (apart from baby's life, obviously) this time. I am going to attempt a VBAC in 6 weeks. This current baby is measuring average so far, so fingers crossed!
Hi, I'd forgotten I'd written this post!been for another scan at 32 weeks and baby's head down!so I can go for a vbac,although now I think about it and read the pros and cons I'm debating just having a second section as I know what will happen.......maybe :/ I'm totally undecided what to do but want the best outcome for me and baby who is currently measuring around 4lb 6oz so I'm a bit scared considering I've never done it before and there's no pathway.I'm going to have another scan at 36 wks to see baby's position but in a wy I'm hoping he's breech do it makes the decision for me. Because I had to have an elective section with my first I'm automatically classed as high risk due to complications that could happen in a naturo birth I guess.
Hi, I haven't been told the position of my baby yet but going to see midwife on Monday and wee what she says, althougth im not that confident about her to be honest.

Have you been to a VBAC Workshop, i'm booked on one next week when i'll be nearly 35wks, then got consultant a few days after when hopefully he will scan me to check position.

I understand what you mean about wanting them to be breach as it makes the decision for you, its a hard decision to make and at the moment i'm completely torn.

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