

Well-Known Member
May 6, 2014
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My little one sleeps superbly at night but is a terrible napper. He spends much of the afternoon/evening grizzling because he is tired and has really lost it by bed time. He goes to bed at 7ish each night and wakes for a feed sometime between 4 and 6. He usually goes back to bed for an hour or so after this with some persuasion. During the day he usually has 1-3 naps but these are generally only 20-30mins long. He's currently grizzling away at me because he is tired (rubbing his eyes etc.) but refuses to sleep. I've tried rocking him, shushing him, singing, ignoring him, I've hidden all the toys from view. We went for a long walk in the pram earlier and even that o my resulted in 20mins of sleep. I wouldn't mind if he seemed fine with it but he's so miserable by the end of the day...

Do you have a napping routine in the daytime? Any tips or tricks for me?
White noise? There's tonnes of free apps for phones if you wanna test it before paying out for a toy, well worth a go.

Tell him what's happening even though he won't have a clue.
"You're going for a nap in two minutes".
"Nap in one minute".
"Nap time now".
Take him into a dark quiet room, lay him down. Nice and quiet say "it's nap time now. Mummy's right here. You can get some sleep". Give him a bottle and stroke his arm/tummy gently. Don't talk to him any more.

Other than that... I don't know. Always worked for me...

Good luck xx
Have you tried just holding him to your chest for a nap so he can hear your heartbeat? Or maybe try some skin to skin?
I've tried cuddles. That seems to work after the early morning bottle but during the day he fights to get away. He's screaming the house down now because he has had one 20 minute nap and one 30 minute nap all day. Argh! Will give white noise a go. Thanks for the input.
Having the exact same problem. Little lady just won't nap unless she is on me. If I move her to her crib/carrycot she'll wake within 10 minutes, if I am lucky, or immediately. She won't nap in her buggy either. I've never known anything like it! Luckily, she's great at night but for some unknown reason, during the day she just fights it. It's frustrating as it really limits my time with my son :-(

We've tried all the tricks too. My son was pants at getting to sleep but at least when he got to sleep he stayed asleep for two hours. This one goes to sleep just fine but won't stay asleep at all.
My HV is visiting a week on Monday do will ask her about it then, will let you know what she says.
My lb point blank refused to sleep in the daytime from about 5 months. We ended uo wih rain white noise and lying down on our bed with our hand in the cot on his chest. We gradually moved our hand away, then the room, then cut the white noise. All in all it took about 4 months to get him to self settle cus he just wasn't having any of it! But it meant he got a good 2 hour nap as we were with him I til he fell into a deep sleep. Hope this is of some use :)

Well I'm trying the cot today with the curtains drawn (he normally naps downstairs so I can keep an eye on him). He almost fell asleep on the bottle but now he's in the cot he's gurgling away, interspersed with whinging. It is 1pm and he hasn't had any sleep since he got up at 8. Argh!
Sorry to bump, but just wondered how you were getting on? Mine is still horrendous!
My baby doesn't sleep day or night <sigh>

Actually she has been slightly better recently, she goes a bit longer at night but daytime is hit and miss.

There is some school of thought that getting them to nap in darkness in the cot is not beneficial as it will become the only place they sleep meaning you always have to be at home in order for them to sleep? Personally I'd do whatever works.

Long walks and noise does the trick for Bee alot of the time.

My HV suggested cry it out?! Not for long stretches though, literally just for a minute then go back. She said tell baby before hand that it is nap time time, put her in crib, give her a kiss then go...

With a toddler around I really don't think I have the time for it, but, i can't have my daughter in my arms all day long either.
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