Naps in dark or naps in light?


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2010
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I keep getting conflicting advice.

Should I put my baby to nap in the light or dark? If you look at the baby whisperer book she says take him to a quiet dark room. Then other people say he needs to know day and night.

He will only nap 30mins at a time and hates to sleep.
I always have LO in his cot during daytime naps, and I do pull the curtains so it's a little darker. His curtains are quite thin though so it's never really 'dark', just not bright, so I'm probably somewhere in the middle. Sorry, wasn't much help was I?!
Meant to add - just do whatever your baby responds to best, I've found that to be the best way to go with most things these days, I rarely consult the book any more lol x
Charley naps downstairs, with it very light, curtains open and still noise going on around him. His naps vary in length though, sometimes he naps for 30mins sometimes it's 2 hours!
Herbie just naps down stairs to so its light I think he knows when he go's upstairs its bed time xx
I read your other post and it sounds similar to what Isla is currently doing. She naps during the day - in her swing or pram if we're out but only for about 30 minutes and then by 4.30/5pm she is really tired and gets overtired but we don't normally start the bedtime routine till 6.30pm so like you, I'm clock watching!

I have thought about putting her into her cot for daytime naps to see if she'll sleep longer in the quiet as she's such a light sleeper during the day, but I'm worried that if it doesn't work out she'll be put off going into her cot at night when the time comes (she's still in her moses basket at night in our room).
I just put Sofia in her crib which is in my living room during day. She is in light, near a window :I do have a shade thing over the top of the crib) and I Hoover and watch telly etc when she's napping. In the morning I open the curtains at about half 8 ish just so theres a difference. I've been a bit rubbish about bed time routine which is a bit naughty. I was going to try and start one but was thinking quite late, sort of 9pm? Is this too late?
i started amelias bedtime routine at 9 when she was first out of the hospital because i then when straight to bed i now have got it where i start it at 8 and eventually i will start it at 7 so me and dh can have a bit of an evening together x
Mine naps downstairs where it's light..always has done. Like Inky said do what your baby responds to best. I find Drake seems to sleep better in his car seat in the living room, not sure why!
Tomos naps in his rocker downstairs in the day with the curtains open and tv on etc.
At night I put him to bed about 10ish and leave a little night light on for him, as he doesn't really like it if its pitch black.
As inky said just do what you and your baby are happy with. xxx
So good to hear my boy isn't the on;y 30 min napper.

Today I took him out in the pram at 5pm for half hour. When he woke up he was a nightmare. Took me 30mins to stop him from grizzling. Anyway. did the usual bedtime routine and had him in bed for 7pm and he seemed to be the same as he usually is. I suppose my only grace is that he was sleeping at 5pm as opposed to grizzling.

Let me know how you get on. Really intreagued to see if you manage to find something that works!

Will defo be watching your posts to see her progress!!!

Thanks everyone for advice.
Alanna's bed time is 11pm. Then she will sleep through to 7 normally if she has fed well.

As for naps.. Natural light. So if the sun is coming in, she sleeps with it bright, if not then she dont lol i want her to know the difference.

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