napping & birthday parties..panic!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2013
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I'm having a little panic about this...

My lo is 1 next month and he's having a party Easter weekend. I booked it to start at 11.30 am so that babies would be good for lunchtime etc and it would be right after his morning nap.

However, our boy has decided to start pushing his naps out and is now going down between 11-12 for up to 2.5 hrs and then cutting out his PM nap. What do I do?? At this rate he'll either be asleep for the party or over tired...i just don't know!!

How typical...little monkey
I think almost every 1st bday I've been too including my daughters, all the stars of the show had been napping at some point during their parties. Personally I preferred it when mine napped through hers as I could relax a bit more and when she did wake up we got lots of photos and she enjoyed the time she spent at it.
I would try not to worry too much.xx
I meant to say I would choose napping over being overtired as you just won't enjoy it at all with an overtired
hoe long is the party likely to be? It might be that he can keep going fairly happily until afterwards then have a slightly later nap? Or can he nap for half hour beforehand in the pram or something? Just to keep him going? X
If he's anything like my LO was at that age, with all the excitement of the party he will manage just fine through it all and be ready for his nap at the end.

I had given up on trying to schedule around my LOs naps by that point!
I'm starting to feel the same and becoming a little less obsessed about naps (this aside lol)! I'm sure he's trying to go to one nap ever so gradually. It changes almost every day!
I think I should try to get a little nap out of him in the morning just to take the edge off....He'll probably prove me wrong and then sleep for hours so I have to wake him haha
My lo party is over her nap time but I plan too eek out her am one til later and hope the buzz of the party carries her through. They are resilient wee things and I'm sure your lo will be fine x
Oh and all else fails we have the buggy to try and get her to sleep but would be a shame to miss her own party!
Mine was so distracted she had her nap much later than normal and for a shorter time so she was able to rejoin the party :-)

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