Nap Nightmare + Toys


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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I'm having a right nightmare with Angels naps at the moment. I try to get her to have half hour in the morning and 2-2.5 hours lunchtime and half an hour late afternoon then she gets around 10-12 at night sometimes waking twice for a feed. I've got this graco swinging chair and she used to nap in that no problem, now she'll wake at the slightest sound and really struggles to nap which usually ends in a screaming fit because she gets overtired. I make the room quiet, tried white noise etc and nothing seems to work. It'll send her to sleep for a bit, then she'll wake again. I thought about putting her in her cot upstairs for naps and someone told me dont do that as she might confuse it with being bedtime rather than nap time but I thought if I keep the curtains partially open and wake her up after a certain time it might help her? Anyone else had the same problem with their LO?

Also, what toys would u recommend for this age? Shes got her bouncy chair, playmat, one of those rubber ring baby gyms and loads of Lamaze stuff which she seems to like. xx.
Jax goes in his cot for nips and has no problem distinguishing between night and day. He can do the same thing though sometimes where he can wake multiple times during a nap and I have to resettle him.

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Toys sound perfect for her age any more and she might get over stimulated..
I used to put Ellie in her cot for naps and she never had a confusion as I didn't use her bedtime routine for naps.. Give it a try and see how it goes.. Might sound silly but it might be too quiet? Lilyanna loves sleeping with the tv sounds and the girls can play and make noise around her coz she's used to their noises.. If I blow my nose it will startle her as its an unknown noise.. She is used to my coughing now I had a coughing fit all night right next to her and she didn't stir.. Coughed so much my chest feels bruised and tender to touch!
Not much advice I can give as all babies are different just trial and error really.. Hope things settle soon for u hun xx
Well I've put her in her cot this morning for her nap, she took a while to go down but she's been sleeping soundly for an hour or so now. When she does sleep in her chair I do keep a quiet buzz of noise downstairs ie TV or white noise but our door squeaks terribly and thats what usually wake her up. Just once a sound has woken her up thats it, its an absolute nightmare to get her to sleep again and she just fights it and gets overtired :( I'll stick with the cot for now I think as shes sleeping much better at the moment. Jaycee - u make a good point about not doing the bedtime routine during the nap time so I'll see how we get on :) xx
That's good she's sleeping better in her cot.. Think wd40 is needed for that door! Lol!
Yeah I keep forgetting to buy it lol. Its not even the door sometimes though, could be anything really and its just that she fights it it really upsets me because thats the only time she gets really upset :( xx
OH just suggested we put her in her swinging chair for her short morning/afternoon nap and in her cot for her longer lunchtime sleep. Done that today and shes done alot better :) xx
They do go through phases where they don't sleep as much, and just when you get used to their new routine they switch back to lots of sleep again lol
Exactly as she gets older she will want different things :roll: as long as the bedtime routine doesn't change then anything u try in the day is fine :) if shes settling better in her chair then cot give that a try tomorrow! Gotta take each day a it comes with babies!! Glad she's settled better for u now :)
Its tough as one day they like this ans next day it all changes.
I find radio on background helps with naps, this way he doesnt hear every squeak.

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