nakedness in front of the kids


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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how long do you plan on letting your kids see you naked?

its not a big issue in our house. quite often i go to bed about the same time as benjamin and i sleep naked and he sees me. or if he wakes in the night and first thing in the morning he see me and mark naked. it doesnt bother us at all.

at what age do you think it's not appropriate for them to see you? i doubt we will stop at any time soon esp with babies still coming along.

i still like to have baths with oliver and love cuddling him when he's naked against my skin. its a sort of like a close bond we have
Dont know really.

I suppose maybe when they hit puperty or something - not actually thought about it just yet!
I hadn't thought about it :think:

We're always in the niff in our house :lol:
I dont know to be honest. Brian doesnt walk round in front of Arianna as he thinks it's weird already.

I think if we had a boy then I would prob be the same
Cammy still sees me. Not purposely but he sometimes comes into bathroom when im in bath.

I dont walk abou in the scud anymore infront of him
I think rather than set an age limit I'll probably just take the lead from my children.

When they show signs of being uncomfortable or too interested I'll cover up.
Minxy said:
When they show signs of being uncomfortable or too interested I'll cover up.

Arianna is interested already - apprently my boobs are "pretty" - she usually tells me while pointing :lol:
SarahH said:
Minxy said:
When they show signs of being uncomfortable or too interested I'll cover up.

Arianna is interested already - apprently my boobs are "pretty" - she usually tells me while pointing :lol:

Aw, that's nice. Stanley just pokes mine and says 'booooooooobie!' :rotfl:
Lydia still sees me and Phil in the buff. It's no big deal really.
I think it depends on what you're all comfortable with. I walk around naked in front of the children still - Tyler (my eldest) is 6 now, but John has never been comfortable with being naked, the most the children have seen is his bum.
when i was still @ home @ 21, my mum n dad used to scoot to the bathroom in the nuddy, i used to have a wee whilst anyone of them were in the bath lol. we only had one toilet. my OH thought it was weird.

dunno how long we'll be naked round caitlyn, im very rarely naked tho - i hate my body, yet the OH will come downstairs naked to give caitlyn her night feed lol
i think you will find it will happen naturally, my youngest is 12 and hasnt seen me naked for years, my husband isnt the father of my children so has never seen them naked as he hasnt them but the time just sort of comes when the kids dont want you in the bathroom any more etc so you just kinda stop.
My kids always see me naked. Not so much with OH as he feels uncomfortable but it doesn't bother me. Jess is almost 8 now and she still walks in the bathroom while I'm in the bath. Aimee and Nathan still get in the bath with me and each other but I have to watch them when they are naked together cos Aimee is really interested as to why Nathan has a willy and she doesn't and pokes it :rotfl:
think luke was about 7/8 when he started creating if i walked in when he was changing or if i walked from the bedroom to the bathroom with nothing on when going for a bath xxxxxxx
We went to Finland last year and DH and his parents were naked in the sauna together... I think its very much a British thing to shun nakedness as being dirty and sexual. I personally don't walk around naked, but thats because I have a very odd view of my body and I keep it covered so I don't have to see it. But I allow Tia to see me naked because I think its important for her to see my body, not just something from aa magazine. She is going to have issues with her body due to her condition, and I think she should see that even "normal" women don't have perfectly symmetrical breasts, and perfect bodies and barbie dolls and models in magazines aren't real and women just don't look like that... that they are the freaks so to speak.
I don't have a problem with it and will continue to do it for the foreseeable future. I think it's important to let the kids see there is nothing wrong with the naked body.
until my children tell me to put em away lol. i get dressed in front of Seren, have baths with her,as does OH. Like squiglet said,I want Seren to realise that bodies come in different shapes and sizes and all are normal - though am secretly hoping to be a size 10 before she becomes aware (pfft like I could). OH is getting a bit uncomfy as Seren pointed to his willy and said "trunket" which is her word for trunk, I said he should be flattered as she was obviously being more then generous in her description.
beanie said:
OH is getting a bit uncomfy as Seren pointed to his willy and said "trunket" which is her word for trunk, I said he should be flattered as she was obviously being more then generous in her description.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
When it starts bothering Willow I may walk around with bra and knickers on as opposed to completeyly in the nip I suppose.

Hey, it's just what the good lord gave me :lol:
:clap: Well Said Squig

My mum will still change in front of me and I will change in front of her- she was there when I gave birth so really isn't anything she hasn't seen now! :rotfl:

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