Could I be losing it?


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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On saturday I had some brown discharge, hich although was not alot deveoped into a small bleed and then reverting to brown and slowed right down to barely anything no pain just min or discomfort however boobs no longer sore.

ON Sunday I only had brown discharge again barely anything, no painjust discomfort.
Monday I had brown kind of blood which then turned into bright red similar to a period not loads but a fair bit, The discomfort was a bit greater and my side was hurting a wee bit.

This morning the bleeding has continued looking at it it looks like a period, everytime I wipe it is bright red but no clots and a discomfort with awful wind now...

I have my app with the early preggo unit today, I spent the most part of the night crying and I feel absolutly sick to the stomach with worry, could there be any hope? Also the minor pain and discomfort have gone...

:( :(
Bleeding can be normal. try not to worry hun :hug:
im going through the exact same thing right now, only im hvaeing a few clots too. my appointment with the EPU is today but i just have a gut feeling that iv lost that baby.
Alot of ladys bleed during pregnancy me being one of them, i was forever at the epau..

hope it is all ok..
hey hun dont want to worry u any further but i had this last week i started gtting bleeding like a period and discomfort i was seen by out of hours doc tht was piss useless saw as seen on epu last monday and was told i was either never pregnant (urmmm...well explain 12 BFP's then ) or that id had an early loss otherwise known as chemical pregnancy so im still none the wiser as to what happend to me...ur in my thoughts hunny i know how worying it is and i pray all is okay with u babes :pray: :pray: :hug: :hug: :pray: :pray: :hug: :hug:

if u need to talk then please PM me as i have said i have just one through this and i know exactly how u feel please keep us updated lots of hugs - :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i'm so sorry you are going through this stress...

Fingers crossed all is ok with your pregnancy... :pray:

You're in my thoughts... :hug:
well things are not looking too good and im even more confused now then i was before!!!

I went to the hospital where I sat for hours and then they told me that one of my hormone levels ws extremly low for 6 weeks (like at about 2 or something) and the other was high, I think if i remember correctly the high one was HCG and the other was estrogen or something? (the low one).

I have to go back again tomorrow at 2pm for another blood test to compare as if i am pregnant then the low one would increase, its not looking positive at all, they couldnt even scan me or anything. i feel so lost...
ah hun :hug:

im sorry it all didnt go as well as you had hoped at the hospital, i am thinking of you and hope the bleeding is nothing like the others say its really common for the first few weeks.

I hope your blood results improve tommorrow for you hun, im here if you need to talk at all just PM me :hug: :hug:
Thanks everyone, I have sent baby some sticky vibes and hoping it will hang on inside there even though there is a current...
How unfair they wouldn't scan you! Try not to worry too much, it won't help :)

Good luck for tomorrow!

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