My waters!!!!


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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My waters have gone , wel im offf for confirmation but its coming outa me at quite a pace...

in the middle of the night, i went the loo and on the way i thougth ewwww ive wet myself, and there wasa big wet patch which looked "silky" so i just changed my knickers and went back to bed... thinking id completely lost control of my bladder...

but then at 8 this morning i was stood waitin for me dad to finish in the bathroom and had that bulging feeling again at the top of my bits and then there was watery blood running down my legs, so its got to be my waters, im sat here and im stil losing it now..


been having crampy periody pains all night but just thought nothing of it...

OMG if this is my waters which it can only be then IM HAVING A BABY

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Am so pleased for you.....knew it was,couldnt sleep very well last night think if you had gone into labour or not.

Well done not long now til you will be holding baby.

Well done again.
Heeeeeeeeeee I said you'd be first and I said you'd be today - you gotta prove me right now :wink: Any contractions yet?
oooooooooooo :cheer: YAY!!!!

Good Luck Hun - you can do it!!!!!!!!!

:cheer: :hug: :cheer: :hug: :cheer: :hug:
just back from midwife and she said the blood is a show, and the swab to check my waters is just covered in blood and show... nice lol she said my waters are intact so she said im trickling? babies head is really low, she did a membrane sweep and said basically "await the labour"

have any of you had a membrane sweep?!

lozzijane said:
just back from midwife and she said the blood is a show, and the swab to check my waters is just covered in blood and show... nice lol she said my waters are intact so she said im trickling? babies head is really low, she did a membrane sweep and said basically "await the labour"

have any of you had a membrane sweep?!


so ur waters are just leaking?

ick membrane sweep, dont like the sound of that. what did she do?
Becks_again said:
whos lozzis txt buddy?

theres a few ppl on the forum who i have numbers for, hopefully i will have my home birth, so i will hopefully be able to announce my baby whales arrival!
aww good luck! hopefuly you won't have long to wait :hug: :dance:
clairem1984 said:
lozzijane said:
just back from midwife and she said the blood is a show, and the swab to check my waters is just covered in blood and show... nice lol she said my waters are intact so she said im trickling? babies head is really low, she did a membrane sweep and said basically "await the labour"

have any of you had a membrane sweep?!


so ur waters are just leaking?

ick membrane sweep, dont like the sound of that. what did she do?

christ knows what she meant by trickling... she didnt seem to be concerned by it....

the sweep i didnt enjoy haha, she basically put fingers into my cervix and swept round up at the top.... niceeeeeee lol
lozzijane said:
Becks_again said:
whos lozzis txt buddy?

theres a few ppl on the forum who i have numbers for, hopefully i will have my home birth, so i will hopefully be able to announce my baby whales arrival!
:( I was getting so excited then I thought i had an exciting day ahead of me and the refresh button come on lozzi get dancing or sommentk lol

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