My turn to moan about a bill!!!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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I got my letter in this morning for our Electric saying that it is going up from our usual £123 a month to...


a rediculous.....

£197 per month

Almost £200 for my 2 bed apartment!!! I know we are more than most as we don't have gas, but come on - £200 :shock: The annoying thing is we are in credit with them!! I'm gonna call them this afternoon as I am off out for a bit!
is it scottish power sarah? i am soooo angry about this crap, imagine having to pay this price for bloody electricity :wall:
SarahH said:
I got my letter in this morning for our Electric saying that it is going up from our usual £123 a month to...

a rediculous.....

£197 per month

Almost £200 for my 2 bed apartment!!! I know we are more than most as we don't have gas, but come on - £200 :shock: The annoying thing is we are in credit with them!! I'm gonna call them this afternoon as I am off out for a bit!

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

we have a 1 bed flat with just electricity and no gas, and we pay approx £125 PER QUARTER! either you've got every electrical appliance in your house running 24/7 or you're being seriously ripped off hon :( :(
sarafet said:
is it scottish power sarah? i am soooo angry about this crap, imagine having to pay this price for bloody electricity :wall:

We are with Scottish Hydro Electric.

The annoying thing is we have only just put our heating on a couple of weeks ago - it has been off completely since May(ish) time. So goodness knows what we will be now that this is taken into account!
all this bill crap is ridiculous, when will it end!!!!!!!!

dont pay em Sarah, send em £200 in monopoly money :shakehead: :shakehead:
OMG!!! Thats ridiculous!! Our last bill was £59 for the quarter!! And we dont have gas, everything is electric!! That had infact gone down, its usually around £69!
Im on pre pay meters and i probably use about £50 a month on Electric i couldnt imagine getting a bill like that for a month it dosent sound correct i wouldnt pay it until they can justify it.
I pay a set monthly direct debit of £33 a month for electric and £26 for gas (and that's the increased prices after these recent rises).

We have a 2 bed house and are rubbish at leaving stuff on standby etc. You are surely being ripped off? i know scotland is colder than down here but not that much surely!!
I am with hydro electric too and we are having real problems with them. They want about £140 a month but we're going to get a prepayment meter to avoid that ridiculous amount. Can the people who pay under £100 a quarter please tell us which companies you are with?

Oh, and I don't use my heat, I have energy saving lightbulbs and A+ rated appliances. Plus, I was hardly home for the time they are basing that amount on AND I turn all my electric stuff off at the wall whenever we go to bed or leave the flat.
Thats ridiculous! Especially as you are in credit :shock:

I actually do this for a living so know how it works... basically when the prices go up they up everyone's payments by the same percentage. What I have done is negotiated my customer's payments on their behalf and in most cases have been able to keep their monthly payments at the same price as before the price increases.

What I would say is call them with a meter reading, explain you are in credit and ask for your budget plan to be assessed accordingly. I would insist that the payments be kept the same (as you're in credit).

My advice to my customers also is NOT to tie in to capped deals... It was a good idea a couple of years back at the start of the increases but energy prices will almost definately be coming down next year (as a barrel of oil is now half the price that it was in July and that is what caused the increases). Capped deals are normally 20% higher than standard deals and you won't benefit when prices come down.

HTH :hug: :hug:
moss said:
I am with hydro electric too and we are having real problems with them. They want about £140 a month but we're going to get a prepayment meter to avoid that ridiculous amount. Can the people who pay under £100 a quarter please tell us which companies you are with?

Oh, and I don't use my heat, I have energy saving lightbulbs and A+ rated appliances. Plus, I was hardly home for the time they are basing that amount on AND I turn all my electric stuff off at the wall whenever we go to bed or leave the flat.

Hey hun, I would definately advise against a prepayment meter - the tarrifs can be double what you would pay as a standard customer!

I pay £50 a month for gas and £50 a month for electric and that's for a 4 bed house and I leave everything on, have a heater for the water (which is on all year round) and have gch... and thats after the price rises and I'm in credit too.
I pay £65 a month for gas and electric (in total) I'm with EON.

We're in a 2 bed terrace. We've only been using the gas heaters (no central heating) for the last couple of weeks.

We wouldn't be able to live if ours went up by that much! :hug:
I know a meter is more expensive but we don't have a choice. We are still disputing an amount they say we owe and they have demanded the whole amount or else they will shut us off. We explained we can't pay it and we still don't agree, and that we have a newborn, but they don't care and said we have to get a meter. I am trying to look on the bright side and know that I won't be using £140 a month in electricity so in a way will save (hopefully)... We have written to managers, etc and have been ignored. This has been going on for ages and I would switch providers but we can't until this is sorted out! :(
Please be careful chick :hug:

The reason they are pretty much forcing you to get a prepayment meter is that they can set it up with any amount they see fit - so say you are putting in £30 per week - they could take £20 per week off that for the outstanding debt!

But they can't force you to vhange your meter - nor can they switch off your supply... because you have a baby.

If i were you I would go to Citizens advice before you let them do anything with your meter.

HTH :hug: :hug: :hug:
Eek they are coming on Friday! My husband spoke to them and they said that it was either that or they turn off our supply. We went to CAB before all of this and weren't given much in the way of advice- they said both of us had to be present but I had just had Jacob a few days before so we had to reschedule but our appointment isn't until November! We told hydroelectric that we were seeing them and had a baby, but they didn't seem to care about that.

I guess the moral of the story from both of us is not to use hydroelectric! I don't know what to do now though! I'm worried about the meter! :/
HideiLu said:
OMG!!! Thats ridiculous!! Our last bill was £59 for the quarter!! And we dont have gas, everything is electric!! That had infact gone down, its usually around £69!

Who are you with!? Surely thats a month lol if its a quarter your doing well!
Hydro take the piss sometimes. We only have electricity as well and our bills are around £200 a quarter. We have stupidly high ceilings in the house so it's a pain to heat, especially with storage heaters. We also pay £30 a month in direct debit to bring the sum down a bit.

We got a letter from them recently (now we have ALWAYS done the £30 a month thing and paid the rest per quarter) to say they were upping our monthly payments to £106 or something stupid so I phoned them up to say "Eh... I don't think so". So they did that and 4 months later I still didn't have a bill - they'd decided to set us to bi-annually billing. WTF? Eventually after lots of to-ing and fro-ing we got it sorted but they are a pain in the ass.

According to U-Switch they are still the cheapest in our area :?
We had a letter last month, our Bill has gone from £60 p/m to £137 :eek: :eek: We too don't have Gas, and we're with Eon... It's rediculous, we havn't even started using heating yet as we don't have it, just electric radiators ... goodness knows how much that is going to cost us, i think we will freeze first hahaha :eek:

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