My sweet FA cycle ( as requested lol)


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2011
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So as I've done 4 threads for 4 soy cycles and I've had request for my sweet fa (meaning I'm taking nothing at all) cycle here we go ...

So spotting started night before Xmas eve day early was a weired start to my af as I never spot I usualy get a pain and wham bam there she is full on flow hello I'm hereeeeee lol ...

Xmas eve full flow although not that heavy .....Xmas day she's vanished nothing at all Boxing Day slight spotting panty liner worth then vanishes again for 2 days comes back slight spotting another panty liner worth all this time no af cramps wat so ever very off af for me never had this before but hey ho always a first lol so I'm not cd 12 and cd 10 I do an opk got a line not poss but darkish for cd10 cd11 line almost gone wtf is going on never had this before either hmmm so do another opk today and lines darker again :wall2::wall2: I'm not going crazy wandering wat the actual fuck is going on with my cycle this month cos I also had poss opks at around dpo8-11 soo that's me so far il do another opk tomoro cos I'm sure it's coming as had jiggles on and off but will start the sexy time tonight :) and prey lol xxxxxx
yayyy for the new thread, we can't go a whole month without our , updates just cause your going with nature....

What a funny af you have had!! My first thought was, are you preg! but I'm guessing you have covered that one off at the time just to be sure, as very odd period. Maybee you body really did just want a break from the suppliments and will be interesting to see what it does by itself again.

Fingers crossed you get a pos opk soon, it's like I had gearing up and then teasing you...

happy bedding JoJo , hope this is your month, still time for your sept baby X
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No I didn't do a test didn't think there was need have no symptoms or anything I was thinking more maybe I didn't actualy ovulate last cycle hence the light af or just my body beeing a twat lol I realy don't know maybe il pick up a cheap test no way il waste a frer lol aww I have just seen ur lovely sig for me I'm touched :) wish I could fit one on mine for u but it won't allow any more on my sig grrrr the only time dans not been away working and in the warehouse I'm due to ovulate and it's pissing about grrrrr not happy with my silly body this month , fc for ur bfp soon Jen xxx
yeah we will both get our bfps really soon JoJo... don't worry about ticker, you eed your angels on yours. I was having a really down day and putting you on mine cheered me right up!, we will get there if we stick at it..
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:) we so will and gd things come to those who wait shame I'm very impatient lol how is ur cycle going ? I'm cd13 today dtd last night will tonight Nd Sunday dans bk away Monday I do hope I ovulate before he goes away or it holds off till Tuesday lol my body is just a mess ATM dont know why maybe cos of illness I don't know be glad wen it bk to normal tho gd luck this cycle xx
Hows it going JoJo, how many dpo are you, and symptoms?
Hey Jen I'm 6 dpo today and tbh I havnt even give it a second thought I'm that engrossed in my diet and trying my hardest not to think about all the food I'm missing lol it's absolute torture but it's all for a gd reason , hopefully losing weight will help in my ttc journey and my health I know I'm not massively over weight but at 40 u have to do summet sooner rather than later about weight don't ya before it gets to hard and u get realy unhealthy plus 6 dpo way to early for any sort if real symptoms lol , how u doing ? What cd are ya now ?
Hi JoJo, so you must be 8dpo now, any cramping yet? Wow you sound very good on your diet, keep going, it so will be worth it for health and for ttc, might make all the difference, you could get your bfp this month, but I'm loving your busy not worrying about it.... 2ww will go very fast..

I'm just ending cd9 tonight, my cervix was very high this morning, but that seems to early, so going to track it every day and keep and eye on it... I sugessted dtd every night this week , to cover ov with should be thursday I think or maybee friday, but OH pulled a face! He fancys it tonight tho... typical.. can't decide on quality sperm and less often or covering all bases with dtd often if possible and not missing window.. I really want to be pregnant...
Hmmm I suggest every other day till ov then 3 days in a row if u can manage and ur not worried about sex anymore ? I mean the gender of baby not sex lol I am 8 dpo I had slight cramping yesterday not realy noticeable and weired dream last night about the guinea pigs very weired I won't go into it but lets just say I found them dead :-( then they blew up and were ok like on a cartoon wen a animal gets squashed n then it just pops up very odd indeed lol today I have thick creamy cm no biggy I get that on and off all cycle lol plus I'm drinking lots more water so could be that lol and the most one I've noticed without ss is my bbs they rnt sore at the sides they usualy are by now and getting worse by the day till af arrives but I ain't looking into any of that tbh and thnk you for encouragement with weight loss :) gives me a real buzz wen I lose weight and I feel loads better for no carbs not sluggish or bloated just peering a lot that's due to 3 litres of water a day lol anyways month is almost over then I have docs so plans for after af so my mind is busy busy hehe gd luck with catching ur little eggy xxxx
Well JoJo, glad yourve made doc plans after potential af, so maybee yourll then be more relaxed over the next few days, like not placing everything on this 2ww. Some signs there which could be nothing or could be good news, but odd that your boobs have broken from the normal, but again could be good, you just can't tell - very annoying...

Did you try any different for your girls JoJo, compared to your boys, or do you think you dtd the same?

I am so torn between the worry of never getting pregnant , (missing the window) and the chance of a girl for my daughter... I don't mind really which, just want my last baby, but the thought of telling my daughter she would be having the sister she has always wanted, just makes me cry..

Also I'm not sure I believe all the evidence in ttc a girl now.... all a bit conflicting... Maybee it's not about the day you have sex for us as a couple, but the amount of times we have sex, so perhaps as soon as I get a opk pos, I should dtd and then again the next day to back it up... then stop... risky as small window...

We had sex 5 times when we fell with devon and maybee oh's sperm needs longer to give the girl sperm more of a chance , as were boy sperm top heavy...

Hoping you get lots of juicy symptoms in the next few days, I feel a sweet FA bfp coming on.....
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Hi Jen sorry I didn't see this ,I didn't do anything difrent they just arrived I didn't know anything about all this stuff wen I was having them I was just lucky I guess that I got 3 of each,must be hard to only ttc for a girl cos potentially if u done the deed closer and on ov days u could be preg by now but I understand ur doing it fr ur girl and gd luck xx
Thanks JoJo -really sorry the witch got you and your sweat FA plan this month,
It doesn't mean that sweat fa is no good, just that maybe it wants another month to get going, and your health kick should help kick in this cycle too..
Well it's another sweet fa cycle Jen while I have bloods done etc so ya never know xx
When you getting them done JoJo, do they have to be on certain cycle days like cycle day 3?
I've had a full set of bloods done to check thyroid fsh and anaemia first n I have to have smear and swabs I'm due smear well am over due not like me but I just keeps saying il go next week eeekk anyways 10 days after smear I go bk to docs n will get the other bloods il be almost day 21 then and il get the others done onnday3-4 so few things to sort out this next month keeping my mind accupied xx
great, that's lots of bloods , be good to know if anything in them that is causing an issue too.
wouldn't it be great if you were just anemic, iron tabs and off you go....
I'm hoping they all come bk normal and I can then get my day 21 etc xx

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